Wednesday, February 01, 2012

"I simply adore Dean Martin, he was beyond amazing,..."

Hey pallies, likes I am beyond thrilled to be kickin' off Dino-amore-month 2012 with one of the greatest bits of Dino-devotion that ilovedinomartin has ever comes 'cross.
On this first day of our very very special month of lovin' our Dino we return to the blog pad, "Silver Velvet Sky," where youthful Argentinan Dino-devotee Miss Daniela has created a massive memorial to our Dino tagged "Dean Martin and his variety show."

Regular readers of ilovedinomartin will remember Deanager Daniella's first appearance here at ilovedinomartin on August 24, 2011 with what we tagged ".....because he had everything it takes to be a legend." That huge hunk of Dino-passion contained 59 Dino-poses along with some of our great man's greatest teachin's.

Well on this first day of Dino-amore-month, we are featurin' Daniella's second plunge into the deep deep waters of deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion with a Dino-reflection containin' 'nother 41---count 'em---41 Dino-pixs and 3 very very classic Dino vid clips to boot!

In defendin' her choice of sharin' more and more Dino-adulation with her readers (as if she needed to do that, Daniella opines...."I simply adore Dean Martin, he was beyond amazing, so here you’ve got some pictures I didn’t use before and three funny videos." Well, Deanager Daniella, likes you ain't gonna gets any arguments with any of us Dino-holics 'bout your Dino-adoration. Likes we are simply simply delighted to be able to begin our special month of Dino-amore with your so so special selection of Dino-shots!

Likes it is radically refreshin' to find one of Miss Daniella's youth who is already so sold out to our most beloved Dino. We here at ilovedinomartin salute her for showin' her Dino-passion in such a wonderful way! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-lovin', DMP

Dean Martin and his variety show.

17 Jan

I know I’ve done a Dean Martin post already, and I’m also aware that I haven’t made posts about other people I love, such as Gregory Peck, Frank Sinatra or Dustin Hoffman, but last night I was extremely bored, so I began to watch a few videos of Dino’s Variety Show and a huge smile appeared all over my face. I simply adore Dean Martin, he was beyond amazing, so here you’ve got some pictures I didn’t use before and three funny videos. In case you want to see more, you can always go to YouTube and write “Dean Martin variety show” or even just “Dean Martin” and I’m sure that’ll do.

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