Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dino-amore Month Comin'

Hey pallies, likes just a wee bit of a heads up that tomorrow starts our very very special month of honorin Dino-amore. Likes ilovedinomartin particularly celebrates three special months of the Dino-calendar each and every Dino-year....the month of our Dino's birth, June; the month of our Dino's departure, December, and the month of amore, February.

Likes indeed each and every Dino-day of each and every Dino-month of each and every Dino-year , we makes our best efforts to spread Dino-amore here at our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-conclave. But, each year durin' the season when the calendar puts the accent on love....we makes extra special efforts to show ever ever more Dino-devotion to our most beloved Dino....the most amorin' guy to ever enter our planet.

So, beginnin' tomorrow, and for each and every day of what the world knows as February, we will be liftin' up the name of our Dino as we honor the man we love durin' Dino-amore month. And, likes of course, we will be reach the peak of our Dino-adulation-celebration on Dino-amore-day....commonly spoken of as Valentine's Day.

Likes pallies, I simply can't wait to share with you some truly truly stunnin' examples of the most lovin' Dino-passion that has ever been assembled here at ilovedinomartin. We truly have a blockbuster line-up of new Dino-prose for our first days of Dino-amore month, and we may even re-run some of the most wonderful Dino-efforts from past Dino-posts.

But, likes here is where all youse pallies comes in. ilovedinomartin woulda totally totally grooves on havin' some of you pallies makes a Dino-splash by takin' one of the days of Dino-amore-month to share your deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion with all your fellow Dino-philes. A few words of your Dino-passion 'ong with a Dino-pix or two or three, and maybe even one of you fav Dino-vids woulda makes a stunnin' effort in honor of our great man.

If you have even a wee bit of Dino-thought of makin' a contribution of your Dino-devotion to our Dino-space, and maybe even have some questions 'bout how to begin the Dino-process, just drop me, Dino Martin Peters, an email at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com and we can most certainly chat 'bout the Dino-possibilities.

Likes stay tuned for a glorious glorious month of Dino-lovin' here at ilovedinomartin, and please give thoughtful consideration to makin' your own Dino-contribution. Dino-passionately, DMP


  1. I love Valentine's Day!

    It's a Dino holiday!

  2. Hey pallie, likes that's the amorin' Dino--tude Miss AOW...keeps lovin' our Dino. Might you consider doin' a contribution to our Dino-amore-month action?

  3. DMP,
    I'll try to get a contribution done this month.

    Been having some eye troubles the past few weeks. Should be resolved on Monday afternoon.

  4. Hey pallie, likes thanks you so very much Miss AOW...if you are able to, that woulda be so so Dino-riffic...but be sures to take good care of yourself...sorry to hear 'bout the eye troubles...hopes it gets resolved as you sez...and be sure to take in huge quanities of our Dino as to sooth yourself durin' this trouble.... Keeps lovin' our Dino!
