Monday, October 17, 2011

National Broadcasting Company: Release the entire Dean Martin Variety Show on dvd.

Hey pallies, likes checks this out dudes. At a pad tagged ""....."an online advocacy platform that empowers anyone, anywhere to start, join, and win campaigns for social change," a chick, Miss Brittany Ellington of Stockbridge, GA, has started a petition to NBC to "Release the entire Dean Martin Variety Show on dvd."

Likes how how cool is that. Ain't able to re-create the petition here, but if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will be able to go directly to the Dino-petition and let your Dino-desires be known. This is certainly what all true Dino-devotees most desire, gettin' their hands all full episodes, full seasons of the Dino-show on the peacock network!

Hats off to Miss Brittany Ellington for puttin' her Dino-desires into action...and who knows, perhaps, just perhaps pallies one of these Dino-days all our Dino-efforts will pay off big time! Dino-desirin', DMP

National Broadcasting Company: Release the entire Dean Martin Variety Show on dvd.


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Why this is Important

There are so many of Dean's fans that would love to be able to buy this wonderful collection.


  1. I admire this lady so much, I`ll definately sign

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky I was thrilled to see someone make this Dino-effort...only time will tell whether it will get the Dino-results that we hopes for...but our Dino is worthy of every effort we can do in his honor...keeps lovin' our Dino...and thanks for takin' the time to leave some Dino-patter....

  3. I will sign too if i can find it.
    If only we could see all those Dino shows, i think there were over 200 of them

  4. Hey pallie, likes Deanager Levi, you are totally totally correct...indeed there was over 250 of these classic Dino-episodes! Great to hear from our Dino-addicted down-under pallie...keeps lovin' our Dino!
