Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dino-love from Croatia

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-reflections add even more proof that devotion to our Dino is truly truly international in Dino-scope. From the totally totally rad pad, "Wannabee Magazine" come this outstandin' post "The King of Cool: Dean Martin" scribed by Croatian Miss Jovana Katić. It is so so refreshin' to find people of other places and cultures spreadin' Dino-love in their own way to their own people.

Miss Katić weaves a delightful mix of Dino-history with classic clips of Dino-croonin' and iconic images of our most beloved Dino as a wonderful way of introductin' other Croatians to the King of Cool. Indeed, I am sure that Katić's Dino-efforts have and will bear much fruit encouragin' huge numbers in their desire to be a Dino-wannabe!

Likes pallies, I just loves doin' such Dino-researchin' to encourage Dino-devotion wherever it may be found, and so am likes delighted to be sharin' this Dino-message with all you pallies. Mucho Dino-appreciato to Miss Jovana Katić for her great reflections in honor of our great man. Have included both the English translation as well as the original Croatian lingo. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-awed, DMP

15 May, 2011

The King of Cool: Dean Martin

The audience loved him, and friends that he was highly valued. They came Elvis (Elvis Presley) It is considered the greatest man of time in which he lived. "He was great in everything he did. For me it was perfect. "- Said Steven Van Zant (Steven Van Zandt), guitarist Bruce Springsteen (Bruce Springsteen). Mr. Martin (Dean Martin) also marked the music of the fifties, and in art history left an indelible mark.

Born on 7 June 1917th in America. His parents were Italians origin. CSD did not like school and left it in the tenth year. Several years later he dedicated himself to boxing. Sports career did not last long, Dino gives up boxing and is devoted to some cost-effective operations. At seventeen, he found himself for the first time on stage with microphone in hand. The onset of the Ernie McKay band, he has brought a lot of networking. At the beginning of his career, more money was earned thanks to his charm and looks, but vocal abilities. However, this money was not enough to feed his four children, and in addition to the entertainers was a taxi driver.

Opportunity to perform in the great hall "Riobamba Room" in New York publishing house gets through MCA. 1946th released his single "Which Way Did My Heart Go?" and soon meets Džerija Luisa (Jerry Lewis), with whom he and performed in many clubs, performing skits. Voice of dvojci comedians quickly spread around town, and soon there was room for all those who wished to see their performance. The best performance they had in the legendary club "Copacabana" in New York. Their show is based on Džerijevom disruption Dinovog singing. The secret of success, as they themselves said, was that they completely ignored the audience and tried to get another party. During the early fifties Jerry and Dino became very popular in America.

Dino's musical career was on the rise, but the antagonism between him and Džerija grew from day to day increasing, so is this duo after ten years of joint co-operation broke up. Pressing the audience to stay together was great, so it's even more difficult the whole situation. Began the era of Rock & Roll-a, a CSD is committed to acting. Role in "The Young Lions," where he played next to the famous Marlon Brando (Marlon Brando), he was more than talicni. After this film achieve the doors of many movie studios were opened to him, as testified by the fact that by the end of his career Dino took another 35 films. Among the best known are: "Some Came Running," "Rio Bravo", "Bells Are Ringing," "Ocean's Eleven," "Matt Helm" and "Airport".

Mr. Martin and Jerry Luis

He quickly became a favorite TV across the face of American homes. On the well-known NBC television during the ten years to show "The Dean Martin Show."

Friendship with Sinatra runs since 1944. and the moment when it was replaced in one CSD performance in New York. A longtime close friends were side by side in all their life's ups and downs, and as a token of mutual friendship wore identical rings, which Sinatra specially ordered for him and Dino.

Dino Martin, Džudi Garland i Frenk Sinatra

For Dino was said that he was a humble man, who spent all their free time spent with family. He died on Christmas morning 1995th , and the words "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" are inscribed on his tombstone.

The biggest hits were Dino Martina: "Sway", "You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You," "Memories Are Made of This", "That's Amore," "Standing on the Corner," "You Belong To Me," "Volare, "" On an Evening in Roma "and" i'll Always Love You ".

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Jovana Katić - Give her a pen and paper and you will create a modern fairy tale. Ulepšaće you the day of the latest beauty trends and unusual stories about the eternal fashion classics. His creativity is printed on the pages of your blog Juliet's Pen.

15 Maj, 2011
The King of Cool: Dean Martin

Publika ga je obožavala, a prijatelji su ga veoma cenili. Elvis Prisli (Elvis Presley) ga je smatrao najvećim čovekom vremena u kome je živeo. “On nije bio sjajan u svemu što je radio. Za mene je bio savršen.” – govorio je Stiven Van Zant (Steven Van Zandt), gitarista sastava Brus Springstin (Bruce Springsteen). Din Martin (Dean Martin) je obeležio muziku pedesetih godina, a u istoriji umetnosti ostavio neizbrisiv trag.

Rođen je 7. juna 1917. u Americi. Njegovi roditelji su bili poreklom Italijani. Din nije voleo školu i napustio ju je u desetoj godini. Nekoliko godina kasnije se posvetio boksu. Sportska karijera nije dugo trajala, Din odustaje od boksa i posvećuje se nekim isplatljivijim poslovima. U sedamnaestoj godini se našao po prvi put na pozornici i sa mikrofonom u ruci. Nastupanje sa bendom Ernie McKay mu je donelo mnogo poznanstava. Na početku svoje karijere više je novca zarađivao zahvaljujući svom šarmu i izgledu nego vokalnim sposobnostima. Ipak, taj novac nije bio dovoljan da prehrani svoje četvoro dece, pa je pored posla zabavljača bio i taksista.

Priliku da nastupa u velikoj dvorani “Riobamba Room” u Njujorku dobija zahvaljujući izdavačkoj kući MCA. 1946. objavljuje svoj singl “Which Way Did My Heart Go?” i ubrzo upoznaje Džerija Luisa (Jerry Lewis), sa kojim je i nastupao po mnogim klubovima izvodeći skečeve. Glas o dvojci komičara se brzo proširila po gradu i uskoro više nije bilo mesta za sve one koji su želeli da vide njihov nastup. Najbolje izvedbe su imali u legendarnom klubu “Copacabana” u Njujorku. Njihov šou se bazirao na Džerijevom ometanju Dinovog pevanja. Tajna uspeha, kako su i sami govorili, bila je u tome da su u potpunosti ignorisali publiku i pokušavali da se međusobno zabave. Tokom ranih pedesetih godina Džeri i Din su postali veoma popularni u Americi.

Dinova muzička karijera je bila u usponu, ali je i antagonizam između njega i Džerija bivao iz dana u dan sve veći, tako se ovaj dvojac nakon deset godina zajedničke saradnje razišao. Pritisak publike da ostanu zajedno je bio veliki, pa je sve to još više otežavalo čitavu situaciju. Započinjala je era Rock&Roll-a, a Din se posvetio glumi. Uloga u filmu “The Young Lions”, u kome je igrao pored proslavljenog Marlona Branda (Marlon Brando), bila mu je više nego talična. Nakon ovog filmskog ostvarenja vrata mnogih filmskih studija su mu bila otvorena, o čemu svedoči i činjenica da je do kraja svoje karijere Din snimio jos 35 filmova. Među najpoznatijima su: “Some Came Running”, “Rio Bravo”, “Bells Are Ringing”, “Ocean’s Eleven”, “Matt Helm” i “Airport”.

Din Martin i Džeri Luis

Ubrzo je postao i omiljeno TV lice širom američkih domova. Na poznatoj NBC televiziji se tokom deset godina prikazivao “The Dean Martin Show”.

Prijateljstvo sa Sinatrom traje od 1944. i trenutka kada ga je Din zamenio na jednom nastupu u Njujorku. Dugogodišnji bliski prijatelji bili su jedan uz drugoga u svim njihovim životnim usponima i padovima, a kao znak uzajamnog prijateljstva nosili su identično prstenje, koje je Sinatra specijalno naručio za njega i Dina.

Din Martin, Džudi Garland i Frenk Sinatra

Za Dina se pričalo da je bio skroman čovek, koji je sve svoje slobodno vreme provodio uz porodicu. Umro je na božićno jutro 1995. godine, a reči “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” ispisane su na njegovom nadgrobnom spomeniku.

Najveći hitovi Dina Martina su: “Sway”, “You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You”, “Memories Are Made of This”, “That’s Amore”, “Standing on the Corner”, “You Belong To Me”, “Volare”, “On an Evening In Roma” i “I’ll Always Love You”.
Jovana Katić - Dajte joj pero i hartiju i stvoriće vam modernu bajku. Ulepšaće vam dan najnovijim beauty trendovima i neobičnim pričama o večnim modnim klasicima. Svoju kreativnost ispisuje na stranicama svog bloga Juliet’s Pen.


  1. This is great :)
    Again it just goes to show that Dean was loved all over the world :)

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky, I feel the same Dino-way...just loves to know that Dino-devotion knows no boundaries...and likes the first international Dino-lover that I met on the web was you...and your devotion to our Dino has been a real inspiration to me...keeps lovin' our Dino!
