Saturday, September 03, 2011

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, 1953

Hey pallies, likes one of the Dino-desires of my heart is to know the history behind the countless millions of Dino-pixs posted on the web. Well today's Dino-gram at least gives me and all you other Dino-holics the low down on at least one classic pix of our most belove Dino and Jerry Lewis.

From the patriotic pad, "Stars and Stripes" and the pen of Mr. Joe Gromelski comes the date and location of one of my fav views of our Dino and the Jer. Truly cool to be able to add to our Dino-knowlege in this way.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at "Stars and Stripes" and particularly Mr. Gromelski for these very informative Dino-details. To view this in it's original format, as usual just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-learin' and Dino-growin', DMP

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, 1953

By Joe Gromelski

Published: August 31, 2011

Orleans, France, July, 1953: Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin look down from the stage at the photographer during their show. The popular comedians played at five military bases in France after finishing their engagement at the London Palladium.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. once again, can you please delete this post from your blog. it would be much appreciated. it was the straw that broke the camels back so it was over forceful. its important, my mom has asked me to ask you to have it removed because it reflects poorly on her. please do this for me. and for her. and ultimately for him, as it reflects poorly on him, for my mistake. hopefully you will understand and take it down please. thanks.
