Monday, September 05, 2011

1976 Reunion of Dino and Jer on the MDA Telethon

Hey pallies, Happy Labor Day to all our pallies in the USA! Likes even though Mr. Jerry Lewis is no longer associated with the MDA Telethon, likes it just wouldn't be Labor Day 'round these Dino-parts if we didn't pay homage to that huge Dino-event that happened 35 years ago on Labor day...the reunitin' on the MDA Telethon of our most beloved Dino and his partner Jerry Lewis.

As far as this Dino-holic is concerns, this was Mr. Frank Sinatra's most shinin' moment in his entire life in gettin' our Dino and the Jer back together after bein' apart for 20 long years. And, as far as this Dino-devotee is concerns, this is the most important event to be chronicled on television.

So, likes below is one of my most fav pix of our great man and the kid in their comin' together durin' the '76 MDA telethon...and likes of course, the awesome clip of Mr. Sinatra's effort to gets our Dino and Jerry back together. Loves the look on our Dino's face and on Jerry's as well as they come back together. And, watchin' 'em hug and kiss is just so so wonderfully special indeed!

Again, have a happy and safe Labor Day and above all else, keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-lovin', DMP


  1. This was indeed a VERY special day! And your right, it wouldn't be labor day without it!

    Danny G

  2. This was one of the biggest highlights of Dean and Jerrys careers.
    I`m glad Frank arranged this while Dean was still alive.

  3. Would it be possible to remove the posts now, please? couple reasons, one, i dont want everyone knowing what went on, two, i've already been with several phishing attacks already in the last few days, and finally, i don't want my mom, deana martin, seeing me cursing as much as i did, she will understand that i have deep felt emotions about this, but it would upset her to see my swearing so much, about her dad, which she is very much still involved with. so, that would be great. thanks. and if u need anything, like information about the family that u wont be able to get otherwise, let me know, u have the email in the earlier, so send me a question if u have it, otherwise, please just delete all the posts we had.

  4. I was never a fan of Jerry Lewis as a solo comedian. Just not my style of comedy, I guess.

    However, every year after I discovered our Dino, I watched the telethon to see if our Dino would appear.

    I'm so glad that we have on film that moment of reunion. Martin and Lewis as a comedy team -- the best ever!

    I do comment Jerry Lewis for his fine work with the MDA. Our Dino's support of charities was quieter as our Dino was a quieter person.

  5. BTW, Jerry Lewis is a fine dramatic actor. I was reminded of that once again when I recently watched an old episode of Law and Order: SVU.

  6. I just have to say this....That video clip is so moving. Just look at the chemistry between the two even 20 years after the breakup!
