Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Reminded me of a story I heard about Dean Martin

Hey pallies, yesterday we learned from Mr. Jerry Lewis that our most beloved Dino was his teacher for the decade of their partnership. Indeed all of us who are devoted to our great man knows him to be the wonderfully wise knower of all worldly matters.

Today's Dino-message comes from the blog "The Behaviour Guru" Tom Bennett's school report. Indeed Mr. Bennett is a teacher in London where "he currently teaches Philosophy, RS and runs a Humanities department." In today's Dino-post Proffessour Bennett turns to none other then our Dino to make a point in his post, "The Sun on Sunday Festival of education: Birbalsingh goes old school, AA Gill, and Starkey's undercarriage."

Professour Bennett turns to Professour Martin and you can read our Dino's teachin's below....I know that I have read similar Dino-thoughts in Nick Tosches' brillant Dino-tome, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams" and thought to myself...how wonderful to be able to study the life and teachin's of our great man.

Thanks to Mr. Tom Bennett for usin' this Dino-wisdom in his blog and for helpin' his readers to come to know, love, and honor our most beloved Dino as all us pallies do.
To view this in it's original format, as always, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-learnin', DMP

Reminded me of a story I heard about Dean Martin: a lifelong fan sees him in a bar, and goes over, gushing about how fantastic he is, and how thrilled he is to meet him. After a few minutes of fawning, the fan adds, ‘I have so much respect for you,’ to which Martin relied, ‘Buddy, save a little for yourself.’


  1. Scratch that "eeee" post. Too many martinis today! Haha!
    Just wanted to say how much I get a kick outta our great man's wit! This guy is droolin' all over him and he pretty much tells the poor guy to get a life! You gotta love that!

    Danny G

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny G. our most beloved Dino certainly has got the wit...but likes besides bein' so so funny...our great man is the greatest of great teachers in all worldly matters...keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. After a few minutes of fawning, the fan adds, ‘I have so much respect for you,’ to which Martin relied, ‘Buddy, save a little for yourself.’

    More of our Dino's perfect sense of timing!

    He really had a gift for that -- and in a way that didn't elevate our Dino himself, too. The mark of a great man, IMO, that sense of not elevating himself.

  4. Hey pallie, likes I hear you Miss AOW....our Dino is likes the total total picture of detachment...likes our great man coulda care less 'bout this dude's show of respect...'cause our Dino really never ever needed anyone or anythin'...keeps lovin' our Dino!
