Thursday, August 04, 2011

Dean Martin diving into a pool

Hey pallies, today's Dino-devotion comes from the "lovely" blog, "Where The Lovely Things Are"....and likes of course it is the most natural of thin's to have our lovely Dino bein' featured there. Included in the post, "LOOK - Summer, Summer, Summer Time" is a pix of our most beloved Dino takin' a dive into pool to gets himself wet.

Likes this Dino-pix seems very very appro as many of us are experiencin' very hot temps as of late....and certainly our hot hot Dino know how to helps all us most devoted Dino-holics keeps coolly cool! Loves loves loves! our beloved Dino's amazin' divin' form!

Likes in fact, this is indeed 'nother way our most beloved Dino is teacher par excellent. Loves loves loves! our beloved Dino's amazin' divin' form! I, for one, woulda certainly loves to have our great man be my swimmin' instructor....showin' me how to makes the coolest of splashes!

Don't thinks I have ever seen this Dino-divin' pix before...guessin' that it was probably taken at our beloved Dino's swingin' home pad....swannie and all. Thanks to the pallies at "Where The Lovely Things Are" for sharin' this amazin' pix of our amazin' man. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-swingin', DMP

Dean Martin diving into a pool


  1. Man, Me and my wee ones are lovin' this cool summertime pic! Only problem is, now they expect me to be able to pull one of these dives off into our pool!!! I told them daddio will stick to his cannonballs! Ha!

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, how cool of your boypallie Nicky and girlpallie Stel wantin' your to emulate our great will takes 'em some time to realize that no matter how hard you try, you will never ever be able to be as cool as our King of Cool...keeps lovin' our Dino!
