Friday, August 19, 2011

Number 1 With A Bullet: Dean Martin’s “Everybody Loves Somebody”

Hey pallies, likes I am so so grateful to the pallies at (radio) for remindin' me and the rest of the Dino-world likes what an absolutely awesome week of Dino-remembrance this is dudes! 'Cause like it was on this week in 1964 that our most beloved Dino likes totally totally BUSTED THE BEATLES OFF THE CHARTS!!!!!

As you will read below, Mr. Michael Verity reports on "Number 1 With A Bullet" how our amazin' Dino amazed the whole known world by knockin' the Mop Tops off the top of the charts with his astoundin' version of "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

If anyone ever dared to question the power of Dino before, the whole world became believers in our King of Cool on this week in 1964. Truly it was only our Dino who coulda takes on the Beatles and comes out likes on the top of the heap.

Thanks to the pallies at and 'specially Mr. Michael Verity for keepin' this Dino-legacy week of remembrance alive! To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. And, likes above all else pallies, likes KEEPS LOVIN' OUR MOST BELOVED DINO! Dino-powered, DMP

Number 1 With A Bullet: Dean Martin’s “Everybody Loves Somebody”

Michael Verity

Dean Martin (YouTube)

Though American record buyers were in the throes of Beatlemania in August 1964, they spared some change to make this tune by Dean Martin a Number 1 hit.

Convinced a record of laid-back lounge music would garner him a hit album, Dean Martin went to work on a dozen cuts for his friend Frank Sinatra‘s Reprise label.

The last cut to be recorded, “Everybody Loves Somebody” was written by Martin’s conductor and piano player, Ken Lane, along with his comrade Irving Taylor. It had been recorded by numerous artists, including Sinatra, but had failed to find any success.

Martin’s version seemed destined to follow the same path when radio stations in Massachusetts and New Orleans latched onto the record and started giving it some spins. Its popularity increased and off it went to the Number 1 spot on the charts, peaking there for a week in August 1964.


  1. Glad to see my good ol' home state of Massachusetts had a role in beginnin' the onslaught of "Dinomania!" Great victory for OUR great great man!!!

    Danny G.

  2. Yeah, our Dino's hit song challenging the Beatles was a great moment in history.

  3. Here's something I really love about all our Dino's videos: He's enjoying himself.

    So many singers nowadays look miserable when they're performing.

  4. Hey pallie, ha ha Danny-o...indeed likes you canna be right proud of your home state goin' Dino! Keeps lovin' our great man...and loves havin' you shares some Dino-patter...

  5. Hey pallie, likes thanks Miss AOW of your Dino-reflections...likes I thinks every school child oughta learns this important event in all of history...our Dino bustin' the Beatles! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  6. DMP,
    Yeah, I've pointed out our Dino's overtaking the Beatles on a few occasions.

  7. Hey pallie, likes very cool Miss AOW...I likes hopes you will find many many ops to share your Dino-adulation with your charges in the comin' school year...keeps lovin' and sharin' our Dino!
