Thursday, August 18, 2011

DVD featuring the coolest of parts from The Dean Martin Variety Show

Hey pallies, likes was just doin' some surfin' of the 'net for the latest Dino-news when I came 'cross this pad tagged "MUSICTAP" that is announcin' 'nother release of a Dino-disc from our pallies at TIME-LIFE." Likes did a bit of searchin' for more info on this upcomin' release, but likes all I coulda discover is that it is gonna be a single DVD and that the retail price is $12.95.

With a byline of the "DVD featuring the coolest of parts from The Dean Martin Variety Show," a pallie woulda certainly hope that this release is goin' be PURE DINO, but many a Dino-holic has shared this likes total total disappointment with the content of the first series of Time-Life Dino-discs, so likes guess we are simply gonna have to wait and see what "The King Of Cool: The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show" will hold in store.

Gotta 'fess up that I does really groove on the pix of the cover of this King of Cool Dino-release...simply likes hopes the contents will be as cool as the outter Dino-wrappin's! If I find any more info, be assured dudes that I will post it here at our humble little Dino-conclave. To view this information in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-scoutin', DMP

Time/Life Recordings will release a ‘best of’ DVD featuring the coolest of parts from The Dean Martin Variety Show. The DVD is called The King Of Cool: The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show, and is slated for release on October 4.


  1. Hey pallie!! That's great!! A really good present for all Dino-lover ^_^

    Take care! ;-)

  2. Hey pallie, likes Kinezoe dude likes how cool to hear from you man...indeed, I'm hopin' likes this will be one totally stunnin'ly stellar Dino-disc...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter..and likes keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Well if it's anything like the set that was just released then I'll be taking a pass. The last set cut out most of Dean's parts in the show. So I'm kinda dubious that this set will be much better. Fool me once shame on you....Fool me twice shame on me!!!

  4. Hey pallie, likes dude likes so so many Dino-holics, likes I agree with you man...but I will be on the look out for what the contents of this single Dino-disc is gonna be and if and when I find out..will be postin' the Dino-knowledge here. Truly I was very disappointed in what was left out of the first set of Time-Life discs, but gotta 'fess up that I did find much to enjoy in what was shared...'specially the "cold opennin's"....keeps lovin' our Dino...and likes thanks ever so much for joinin' in the Dino-discussion!
