Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry Potter is only fiction, but Dean Martin ... Dean Martin! He's a Titan!

Hey pallies, likes "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" is all the buzz on this openin' weekend of the flick 'cause likes it is the last of the Harry Potter flicks. But as cool as the openin' of "Deathly Hallows - Part 2"....our Dino is cooler yet!

That's the Dino-truth accordin' to blogger Miss Anne Johnson at her blog pad "The Gods Are Bored." Seems "Spare" has tranformed the first floor of the family home into Hogwarts for a Potter Party. Spare quires his daddy-o, Mr. J. 'bout which character he is gonna play and the wise father sez Dean Martin!

Spare replies that our beloved Dino is a muggle. Miss Anne lifts up our Dino by sayin', "Dean Martin, a muggle? Who says? Harry Potter is only fiction, but Dean Martin ... Dean Martin! He's a Titan! Grovel in the muck, you pathetic wretch Voldemort! You are no match for Deano."

How cool to find Miss Johnson acknowledgin' the power and the glory of our Dino! Likes so so refreshin' to find this lady who is lettin' her boypallie know who truly is the magical one....our one and only Dino! And Miss Anne likes speaks such Dino-truth when she proclaims..."If J.K. Rowling had been a Dean Martin fan, she could not even have conceived Harry's opponents. Every time her thoughts turned to the Dark Side, she would have been completely disarmed. Ought to be a spell named "Volare." Just saying it causes the bad guys to dissolve into dust."

DINO RULES! ilovedinomartin sez our deep, pure, and true Dino-appreciato to Miss Anne Johnson and her blog for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this amazin'way and settin' the record straight 'bout who truly truly matters...DINO! To read this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram. Dino-only, DMP

Seriously, Voldemort, You Are SO Crushed!

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored" on Harry Potter, Part II # VII movie premiere night! Spare has spent two days transforming our house into Hogwarts. (Alas, just the first floor. The second floor now looks like it was hit with one of those movie wind machines.)

We're having a Potter Party!

Yesterday, in anticipation of this event, Spare asked my husband, Mr. J, what character he planned to be. Not missing a beat (and never having read a word of the opus), Mr. J said, "Dean Martin."

Spare exclaimed, "He's a muggle!"

Dean Martin, a muggle? Who says? Harry Potter is only fiction, but Dean Martin ... Dean Martin! He's a Titan! Grovel in the muck, you pathetic wretch Voldemort! You are no match for Deano.

I've done Harry Potter Smackdowns before, but this one is a no-brainer. There is no one, no one, in the whole of Harry Potter who could generate as much magic as Dean Martin. Other people can cower and run from Death Eaters. I'll just slip in my Dean Martin DVD, select "That's Amore," play it at a sensible sound level, and CRUSH SEVERAL EVIL EMPIRES SIMULTANEOUSLY. Voldemort? Down! Vader? Down! The Vanger clan? Cat food!

You want to send a bored war god packing? Play Deano singing, "Baby, It's Cold Outside."

If J.K. Rowling had been a Dean Martin fan, she could not even have conceived Harry's opponents. Every time her thoughts turned to the Dark Side, she would have been completely disarmed. Ought to be a spell named "Volare." Just saying it causes the bad guys to dissolve into dust.

In preparation for the Potter party, we decided that Mr. J should not be Dean Martin, because he would be totally cooler than anyone in the entire Potter pantheon, and far more powerful than the sad, befuddled wizards who led poor Harry down so many blind alleys.

Is anyone else laughing over this? Pinky swear, if I had video skills, I would do a YouTube where Dean faces off against Voldemort. Sports analogy: New York Yankees vs. Snobville T-ball All-Stars.

So now we have established a male icon who could crush Voldemort like a spent cigarette.


  1. Off topic, but I think you'll be interested, DMP.

  2. Hey pallie, very very interestin' Miss AOW....likes you just never know where our Dino is goin' to show up next! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
