Sunday, July 17, 2011

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "L.A. Is My Home"

Hey pallies, welcome to nother' Sunday Serenade! This week I wanted to share a special surprise I received with all you Dino-holics! Mrs. G really pulled off a nice one this time. Her and my wee ones, Nick & Stella, managed to get their little Dino-lovin' hands on the new picture book, "Cool Then, Cool Now"!

Wasn't easy either pals. These little gems of pure Dino magic are flyin' off the shelves!!! From what she tells me, she had one local Barnes & Noble promise to hold their last one for her if she got there fast! Well, thanks to ME unknowingly throwin' a wrench in THAT plan, that Dino-copy was gone with the wind. Luckily for this Dino-holic she was at the right place & the right time at nother' Barnes & Noble the next day to grab THEIR last copy! The woman behind Mrs. G wasn't as lucky. As a matter of fact, she wasn't too happy either. I guess the early Dino-bird gets the worm lady! Sorry. I hate to ruin nother' Dino-lovers day, but...

Anyway pals, the book is GREAT! Lots & lots of cool cool pics of Dean and family and friends. Pics never before seen by myself anyways. These candid shots seem to be from family photo albums as well as some professional cameramen that were just tucked away for just such a book! There's also some cool commentary from various celebrities talkin' bout' our great man and exactly what it was that made him great. Just bein' himself. Just bein' Dean.

Also included in this true collectors piece are some great Martin tunes! Two cd's, made to look like old 45's of yesteryear, have 28 classic Dino ditties. There were eleven tunes that I didn't have on my trusty ol' ipod, so this was truly a double bonus for me pals! To sum this up pals o' mine, all I can say is, get yourselves a copy! You won't be disapointed.

Take it from me...Dino is DEFINITELY as Cool now as he was then!!! Anyways pals, enough bout' my wonderful surprise. This weeks serenade is one of these great songs that I previously was without. "L.A. Is My Home". Man, don't know how I got by without this little gem in my music vault! L.A. must be one fantastic city! I definitely got to make my way there someday soon and see for myself what Dean so so impressed with! Here we go pallies...enjoy!

Danny G.

L.A. Is My Home

It's good to live in L.A.,
Those bad jokes won't go away.
Our small & free way will stay,
we've come a long way, we've grown up!

Do you want concerts & games?
Or see a few famous names?
The climb at tears still grand
the natives all healthy & tan.

We have the fanciest cars.
Chum all the swankiest bars.
We can dine at the boat,
take a stroll down the street made of stars.

We can dress up or hang loose.
We even have a spruce goose!
Change of scene, rent a new limosine
and have brunch on the queen.

We have the mountains & shores.
Our town is never a bore.
You'll like museums & zoos.
There's no question whose are the best.

We used to be a small town.
Til' people came from around.
And now we have restaurants galore,
your favorite store and what's more...

L.A. is crazy but nice.
And movies added for spice.
No proddin' was needed, I heeded
the go west advice.

But if you don't like the view,
then don't call us we'll call you.
They sing about oceans all covered with foam.
You better believe we have one of our own.
You see all the stars from the park with a dome.
L.A. is my home!!!


  1. Hey pallie, likes what an outstandin' pix of your girlpallie Stella and boypallie wonderful to have 'em honor you on father's day with such a stellar Dino-treasure...keeps lovin' our Dino and keeps leadin' your youngens in the Dino-way....

  2. Wow. I thought that I had heard every song that our Dino recorded. I guess not!

    Great find and great song!

  3. Was this the last song that our Dino recorded?

  4. Thanks for the great Dino-responses DMP & Ms.AOW. I don't know if this was the last recordin' that our great man made. I do know that this song was featured in the 80's show "Half Nelson". It was played during the the closing credits of the weekly show. Great song!

    Danny G.
