Thursday, July 07, 2011

Greatest Drunks of All Time: Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes all us Dino-devotees likes knows how how much our beloved Dino loves him a game of golf, so one woulda thinks that when the blog pad "Ultimate Guide To Golf" puts the accent on our Dino that they woulda be celebratin' his passion for puttin' the round ball in the little hole.

But, likes au contraire pallies! From the golfin' blog comes a Dino-focus on one of our great man's other loves...the lovin' of drinkin' some liquid libations. Featurin' a youtube vid clip homagin' our Dino's love of the drink as well as some outstandin' Dino-reflections on said Dino-topic.

Likes the writer of these Dino-thoughts certainly "gets Martin" with such insights as.."the truth is Dean was a still a seasoned drinker in his own right who could hold his own with the best of them." If you have some Dino-time likes you might just wanna clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram to goes to the site and read all the various Dino-comments....some very very full of Dino-commitment and Dino-passion.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at the "Ultimate Guide To Golf" for puttin' the accent on our Dino in this way....and for generatin' many and varied Dino-thoughts from their readers. Dino-promotin', DMP

Greatest Drunks of All Time: Dean Martin

Born Dino Paul Crocetti, Dean Martin was one of the Greatest Drunks of All Time, along with his Rat Pack cronies Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford. While some say Frank was the real boozer and Dean often pretended to drink while performing on stage, the truth is Dean was a still a seasoned drinker in his own right who could hold his own with the best of them. Dean Martin was a complete entertainer, who could do it all. As a kid Dean delivered bootleg liquor and served as a speakeasy croupier, a blackjack dealer, a steel mill worker, and a welterweight boxer. Later he was part of the biggest entertainment duo in the world as one half of Martin & Lewis. With the Rat Pack Martin was the epitome of cool, with his fun-loving swinger persona Dean always made it look easy. Dean Martin (along with Foster Brooks) was a master of the “drunk act” playing the tipsy loveable ladies man (although he was actually a devoted family man most of his life) with an ever present smoke in one hand and a cocktail (sometimes apple juice or ginger ale) in the other. Dean perpetuated his reputation as a lover of the sauce with his vanity license plates that read “DRUNKY” and his tradition of not rehearsing and improvising at his variety shows. Dean was actually a disciplined and talented artist who memorized entire scripts – not just his own lines. He was an amazing singer, a great actor and fantastic comedian, he could film a movie by day, record a hit record, host a …


  1. I love that song that our Dino sang: "When You're Drinkin'"! Great parody of "When You're Smilin'"!

  2. Addendum: And I love that photo montage in the video!

  3. LOL! At the end of the video is an ad for alcoholism recovery.

  4. Hey pallie, thanks for all the Dino-patter on this Dino-post..yup I certainly loves hearin' our Dino parody "When You're Drinkin" and the Dino-pixs in this vid are indeed very very cool...gotta 'fess up that I missed that ad....keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Loved the vid! Cool then...Cool now!

    Danny G.

  6. Great video :)
    Dean couldn`t have made it so big in the entertainment business if he was a real drunk.
    When thinking about real drunks in the acting field I think of people like W.C. Fields and William Holden.
    I always laugh at a funny story where on the set of a movie W.C. Fields got little Baby Leroy drunk, lol

  7. Hey pallie, thanks for chimin' in Danny..yup me to thinks this vid is so so Dino-rifficly Dino-create..keeps lovin' our Dino!

  8. Hey pallie, as you know Miss Ky it was in his later years when our great man was at least semi-retired and 'bout the time that his beloved boypallie Dino Jr. crashed that our Dino enjoyed himself more and more liquid libations...keeps lovin' our Dino!

  9. Know that Dino liked Apple Cider, never tried it, like Apple Juice tho.
    When Dino died, Dean had nothing worth living for, the shock was too much, his son dying before him

  10. Hey pallie Levi, likes you have such an understandin' Dino-heart dude....loves how much you loves our Dino!
