Friday, July 08, 2011

Dean Martin stars as the original swinger agent, Matt Helm

Hey pallies, likes 'though I know that likes this here post featurin' our Dino as Matt Helm in the Matt Helm Lounge DVDs was basically posted at the blog "Visit Now to Watch Movies Online and Check Dvds" as an advert to sell the DVDs through the 'net, I still have chosen to share it with all you Dino-holics here at ilovedinomartin 'cause while it contains a minimal 'mount of prose on these very cool Dino-spy-flicks, there is an intriguin' mix of Dino-images associated with the Helmer quartet of big screen action and adventure capers.

In addition to the cover for the DVD set of Matt Helm Lounge, we gets a groovy movie poster for "The Ambushers," a lovely lobby card image from the "Wrecking Crew," the celebrated "The Silencers" al-b-um cover of our Dino on the round bed surrounded by all those adorin' chicks, a screen cap of our swingin' Dino from "The Silencers," and even a vid clip celebratin' Miss Camilla Sparv who appeared in "Murder's Row."

Likes that's some eclectic mix of Dino-images and more! Don't thinks that I have ever ever seen such a diverse set of Dino-sources in one post before. So this Dino-advert is of a cooler Dino-quality then most. And, btw, pallies likes if you for some crazy unknown reason have not acquired your personal set of Matt Helm Lounge DVDs likes don't waste time...last time I looked Amazon have 'em priced at a bit more then $4 per flick...likes what a Dino-bargain is that!

To view this Dino-post in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of these Dino-remarks. Dino-awed, DMP

Matt Helm Lounge (The Silencers/ Murderers Row/The Ambushers/The Wrecking Crew)

Dean Martin stars as the original swinger agent, Matt Helm, in this four-disc set including: THE SILENCERS, MURDERERS ROW, THE WRECKING CREW, and THE AMBUSHERS.

THE SILENCERS: The first of the series of Matt Helm films, the big cheese of Big O, an organization that wants to sabotage the American atomic missile system. It's up to secret agent Helm to save the day.

MURDERER'S ROW: The handsome top agent Matt dies a tragic death in his bathtub - the women mourn about the loss. However it's just faked for his latest top-secret mission: He shall find Dr. Solaris, inventor of the Helium laser beam, powerful enough to destroy a whole continent. It seems Dr. Solaris has been kidnapped by a criminal organization. The trace leads to the Cote D'Azur.

THE AMBUSHERS: A government space saucer is hijacked mid-flight by a powerful laser beam under the control of Jose Ortega, who then proceeds to rape the female pilot, Sheila Sommars. ICE sends agent Matt Helm to Acapulco with Sheila to recover the saucer, under the guise of Matt taking fashion photographs of beautiful models. Matt is temporarily sidetracked, falling prey to the seductive charms of enemy agent Franceca Madeiros.

THE WRECKING CREW: The count has stolen enough gold to cause a financial crisis in the world markets so I.C.E. sends in ace spy Matt Helm to stop him. As Matt works alone, the British send in Freya to aid Matt, but it seems that Freya causes more problems than she solves.

Matt Helm Lounge

Matt Helm Lounge

Matt Helm Lounge

Matt Helm Lounge

Matt Helm Lounge


  1. Hey pallie! Thanks for this article, the Matt Helm pics and the Camilla Sparv video! Love to see our man Dino surrounded by all that pulchritude! (Sure wish it coulda been me..)

  2. Hey pallie, great to hear from you again man..and likes I hear you dude...keeps lovin' our beloved Dino!

  3. This is the coolest :)
    Really dig the pics.
    Feels like getting out the Matt Helm movies and watching them again

  4. Hey pallie, just knew you woulda digs this Deanager Levi...enjoys some viewin' of our beloved Dino in the Helmer capers, and likes, of course, keeps lovin' our Dino!
