Friday, July 01, 2011

Dynamic Dino

Hey pallies, likes I never ever tire of readin' 'bout others devotion to our beloved Dino. Today we hear from a Mr. Dennis Sylvester Hurd at his personal blog "My ejournal and images." Mr. Hurd hails from New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
and tags his Dino-prose "Dynamic Dino."

'Though it woulda 'pear that Mr. Hurd has known 'bout our Dino for decades, it seems that his appreciato for our Dino has grown profoundly in more recent times. As Hurd proclaims..."Yet, I've really learned to appreciate his pure voice." And Dennis makes note that some of his travels, particularly to 'Vegas and Italy have aided him in havin' "the cultural knowledge to put his music into better context."

Now, likes that's one Dino-notion that I don't think I have ever heard before. But, it truly truly makes cool Dino-sense that havin' hung out in some Dino-environments one clearly oughta gets more appreciato for the mood and tone of many Dino-tunes.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Dennis Sylvester Hurd for so openly and unabashedly sharin' his Dino-devotion with his readers...surely helpin' 'em to comes to their own lovin' knowledge of as Hurd expresses it, our "Dynamic Dino." To view this in it's orginal format, likes just clicks on the tag of these here Din-thoughts. Dino-sharin', DMP

Dynamic Dino

I just found an album of Dean Martin's best songs. Actually, I already have many of them on my media drive (and more recently in the cloud with Google's Music Beta). I am mature but I don't think my interest in the music of Dean Martin is typical for someone my age.

I can, of course, remember Dean from B&W television. He used to show up on variety and musical shows a lot in the late 60's and early 70's. I remember him as the cool one who always looked about three sheets to the wind. I definitely don't remember listening to his music as a kid though.

Yet, I've really learned to appreciate his pure voice. I've come to appreciate him through visits to Las Vegas, and of course, Italy too. It's not really that I heard him in either place, but I now have the cultural knowledge to put his music into better context. Even on an Alaskan cruise a decade ago one of his songs was a part of Princess Cruise's tradition. On the journey through the Inside Passage, after one dinner, Baked Alaska is traditionally served. The lights were dimmed, candles lit, and waiters paraded with the flaming dessert throughout the entire dining area. That's Amore was the accompanying music.

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