Saturday, July 02, 2011

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In The Misty Moonlight

(Hey pallies, likes due to the big Fourth 'o July weekend festivities...sendin' this post a day early. Dino-ly yours, DMP)

Hello pals o' mine! Let me start by sayin' "Happy Independence Day " to all you Dino-holics! To me, nothin' is more Americano than listenin' to my favorite guy beltin' out these great great songs that make me feel so so happy! Only in America would I be fortunate enough to be able to float round' in my pool while sippin' on my fav drink and listenin' to Dean Martin bellowin' from my speakers! I love this country!

Today's Serenade "In the Misty Moonlight" comes from the 1964 LP "The Door is Still Open to My Heart". This al i um, album, album, was put together quickly because of the explosive popularity that the single "Everybody Loves Somebody" produced! The people wanted more Dino! And more Dino they got! If the fellas over at Reprise Records hadn't got the record together fast...there may have been riotin' in the streets of this great country of ours!!! Ha ha ha!!! The American people wanted as much Dino as they could get!

What a truly excitin' time it must have been! Way up on a mountain, way down in the valley, I know I'll be happy, Any place any where, I don't care long as I got my Dino! Happy 4th pals!

Danny G.


  1. This is one of my top 5 Dean Martin songs :)
    I love this song so much and it still sounds as fresh today as when I wore out the 45 as a little girl.
    No one can sing this like Dean

  2. Hey Kylie girl! You are so right! No one can sing this one or any one like our Dino!

    Danny G.

  3. The album "The Door Is Still Open to My Heart" was my introduction to our Dino. There's certainly not a single bad track on that gem of an album! Not that our Dino ever made a bad track.

    "In the Misty Moonlight" was my dearest aunt's favorite Dino song. She played it over and over again -- it brought back memories of her husband, who used to walk with her in the moonlight and courted her in the moonlight before they married. Sadly, my aunt and uncle had only 10 years of marriage before he passed away -- of chickenpox, of all things -- at the age of 31. My aunt remained with us until November 2010, and she loved this song until her last day.

  4. Hi AOW! That is truly a beautiful story of your aunt. I think we ALL have a certain Dean Martin song that touches us in one way or nother'! This one goes out to your aunty!

    Danny G.
