Tuesday, May 10, 2011

......the SEALs found medicine, old newspapers and, guess what, the complete collection of Dean Martin Roasts.

Hey pallies, as all faithful readers of ilovedinomartin knows we tries oh so hard to stay a-politico..so likes don't takes today's Dino-message as anythin' more then sharin' 'nother so so cool way of liftin' up the life and times of our beloved Dino.

From the on-line presence of the Los Angeles Time's "Top Of The Ticket," from politico commentator Mr. Andrew Malcom comes news of David Letterman's jokin' 'bout the most amazin' Dino-treasure found in Bin Laden's compound..... "the complete collection of Dean Martin Roasts!"

How absolutely rad of famed late night host Letterman givin' our Dino such a wonderful nod. Think of the millions of pallies turnin' in to Letterman's show and seein' Dave makin' a funny 'bout our amazin' Dino. This droppin' of our Dino's name is sure to trigger intrigue by many late night viewers...and surely will bring lots more pallies into the Dino-fold.

Warm regards to Mr. Andrew Malcolm for sharin' this Dino-mention and includin' a stellar pix of our great man hostin' one of dem fabulous Dino-roasts. To view the whole column, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-message to goes there. And thanks as well to our own Danny G. for puttin' me on to this Dino-promotion Dino-loved, DMP

Top of the Ticket

Political commentary from Andrew Malcolm

Late-night's best: What else the SEALs found in Osama bin Laden's compound

As The Ticket's 63,000-plus Twitter followers here and 6,700 Facebook fans here know, we regularly share our daily picks of the late-night jokes of interest, usually before broadcast each night. Feel free to pass them on to friends using the Share buttons above. Normally, we publish these on Monday mornings.

Letterman: So in Bin Laden's compound the SEALs found medicine, old newspapers and, guess what, the complete collection of Dean Martin Roasts.


  1. This has me laughing so much, lol
    For one thing it just goes to show like in the song Everybody Loves Dean even the most hated man in the world.
    Or could it be Bin Laden may have been thinking of recruiting Don Rickles ?
    To unleash Don Rickles on the world, that would be terrorism.
    For a man who hated America, this has come as a surprise.
    And how did Bin Laden get the roasts ?
    They are only available in the U.S. and I couldn`t imagine Guthy Renker shipping them to a Mr. Usama Bin Laden in Pakistan.

  2. Hey pallie, Miss Ky great to hear from you...but likes when you sez..."And how did Bin Laden get the roasts ?
    They are only available in the U.S. and I couldn`t imagine Guthy Renker shipping them to a Mr. Usama Bin Laden in Pakistan."

    Likes you do know that this is a total joke... Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hi Dean :)
    At first I thought this might be serious but by the end of reading the message and noticing David Letterman was involved I suspected it might be a joke.
    Thanks for confirming that it was.
    From what I`ve seen the only television viewing Usama Bin Laden enjoyed was watching himself on television.
    I guess that`s what happens after being locked in a compound for so long, lol
    Hugs n Kisses
    from Kylie xxxoooxxx

  4. Hey pallie, glad you figured it out. ilovedinomartin, likes our Dino, tries to stay a-politico, but this Dino-joke was just to funny not to share...keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. LOL.

    I rather imagine that OBL wouldn't really have liked our Dino, though. Well, at least OBL wouldn't have OPENLY admitted that he liked our "decadent" Dino. There is no fun in Islam, so one Islamic expert says, anyway.

    Hey, here's a thought: If OBL had liked our Dino, OBL would have been a peaceful fellow. Mellow, even.

  6. Hey pallie, exactly Miss AOW...which makes this Letterman jokin' ever more Dino-funny....keeps lovin' our Dino...
