Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At The Home Of Danny G.: Vintage Vinyl Dino Style

Hey pals! Just thought I'd say "Hello" to all you nice people at the ol' ilovedinomartin blog. Don't have too much free time these days. Wee ones are gettin' bigger and really take up ALL my time!

I wanted to share some of my newest, very special additions to my Dean Martin collection. What REALLY made this Dino-holic beyond happy and gave me so so much joy was sort of a surprise from Mama mom. I gave her a call while in the neighborhood last week and she tells me to stop by...she had some old albums that she figured I would want.

What she didn't say was that they were my pop's old vinyl recordins' of DEAN MARTIN!!! Man, what a treasure! I haven't seen or heard these records since I lived at home back in the 1980's. They were my very first introduction to the AMAZIN' voice of Mr Dean Martin!

Just seein' these gems really brought back some great great memories of my pop and my younger years. He would love listenin' to these records! He would act so funny! Singin' and dancin' around the kitchen! I loved to see him so happy! They really put him in a great mood!

That's probably where I learned about the power of Dean's music. The actual stimulation and joy it can bring to you! My pop unfortunatelty isn't around anymore. He passed away in 2003. But I really would love to share these incredible albums of his with all you pallies of mine. I know he would too!

There are some great great songs here folks. One of my fav's is the "Swingin" record. One great, hard to find tune on this one is "You can't love em' all". I can't find this song on itunes, which is where I download all my music these days. I WISH I HAD A RECORD PLAYER!!!

The covers alone are priceless! Loaded with cool cool pics and some present tense Dino-patter! Imagine the days when Dean was still releasin' new "albums" every now and then! I said it before pallies..."If I only knew then what I know now!" Mama mia!!!

I'm gonna include one of these album covers in this post. Too many for one blog, so I guess this gives me a great reason to do some more "At Home with Danny G's" in the near future! Checks out my little wee girl Stella! Makes me so so proud knowin' that these albums are goin' to bring happiness to a third generation of our family! I'm definitely gettin' a record player!!!

That's all for now pals. Talk soon. Stay strong and always remember to keep the vino and the Dino flowin'!

Danny G.


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny G. what a heart warmin' Dino-tale you have shared this likes totally totally fabulous to have your Mama gift you with your pop's Dino-discs...and to be able to share these vintage Dino-treasures with your prodigy...likes what cool be cooler then that?!??!?!

    Thanks for sharin' your Dino-devotion with us..and, of course, keeps lovin' our Dino!

  2. My pleasure pallie! Nothin' I loves better than membrin' the old days when my Pop and Dino were still around. I'll never forget either one. They both had such an incredible impact on my life. I owe everythin' to them two great great guys!

    Danny G.

  3. Hi Danny G :)
    That cute photo of your daughter Stella brought back memories.
    We have that album and boxes and boxes of other albums my dad collected.
    I remember I often played that album and I loved the cover.
    When I was little I think there were cd players around but my dad thought it`s just a new fad and for the first 10 years of my life I played records, LPs and 45s, even some old 78s which I had to be careful with.
    The LP covers are priceless, cd covers are no match for the beautiful art work of the album covers and often there was a story on the back of the cover maybe written by Stan Cornwyn I think, though I probably have the wrong spelling.
    Now I play cds but there is a lot of debate over which is better, cds or LPs.
    I just know I have a lot of happy memories when I played the LPs.
    We no longer have a record player but we still have all those great records
    Hugs n Kisses
    from Kylie xxxoooxxx

  4. Love the picture of Stella with the old Dean Martin album :-)

    By the way: I HAVE a record player :-) Bought it a couple of years ago. Vinyl is BACK. In fact, the majority of new and old albums are being released on vinyl these days.

  5. Hey Thomas, glad you like the pic of my wee Dino-girl, Stella! She's the next generation of Dino-holics! I think I will grab a record player. The double album that Stella is holdin', Swingin', has so many great songs that I can't find on itunes. Take care pal!
    Danny G.
