Sunday, May 22, 2011

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby"

Hello pals o' mine! Welcome to this week's Sunday Serenade! This time pals, I'm gonna play an old favorite of my Grandmother's, my Nana, the original Mrs. Stella G.

She was a very special lady to me. I remember her singin' this little number to me when I was just a wee one myself! Before I ever even heard the name, Dean Martin. This may very well have been my TRUE first introduction to our GREAT GREAT man!

It's been sung by many artists. A timeless classic. It 's definitely a tune that probably everyone on the planet has heard at one point in their life or nother'. One thin' is for SURE...NO one did it like our Dino! Love when he throws us the "wink".

I believe this was from a Judy Garland special with guest stars, Dean & the Frankie. The vid's sound quality may not be the best pals, so turn your puter' up ALL the way and enjoy Nana G's little serenade to each and everyone of us pallies!

With out further a due...I'm glad to present "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby!"

Danny G.

You must have been a beautiful baby
You must have been a wonderful child
When you were only starting to go to kindergarten
I bet you drove the other boys wild.
And when it came to winning blue ribboms
I bet you showed the other kids how.
I can see the judges' eyes as they handed you the prize
I bet you made the cutest bow.
Oh, you must've been a beautiful baby
'Cause baby look at you now.

Ah, you must have been a beautiful baby
You must have been a wonderful child.
When you were only starting to go to kindergarten
I bet you drove the little boys wild.
And when it came to winning blue ribboms
I bet you showed the other kids how.
I can see the judges' eyes as they slapped you with the prize
I bet you made the cutest bow.
Oh, you must've been an adoreable baby
'Cause baby look at you now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey pallie, Danny G. loves this amazin' presentation of this outstandin' Dino-tune...and how cool to know that your grandmother was also a follower of our beloved Dino...thanks for all your Dino-efforts, and above all use, likes keeps lovin' our Dino...and keeps leadin' your boypallie Nicky and girlpallie Stella in the true true Dino-way....
