Saturday, May 21, 2011

1,000 Jokes Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Winter 1954 Issue

Hey pallies, likes from the web sale site "Etsy" comes a really cool Dino-find that I woulda loves to own myself. It's a copy of a mag tagged "1,000 Jokes" from Winter 1954 that features our beloved Dino and the Kid. As you will note below....
"This particular issue features a collection of comical pictures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis!"

Certainly does loves the really cool cover of Dino-art....and woulda loves to see all the pixs of Martin and Lewis inside! At $10 plus $5 shippin' in the USA the total cost is likes 7,500% of the original cover price of 20 cents back in '54! But, certainly our Dino is worthy of that and more!

Woulda be likes so interested to know if any of you pallies goes for this Dino-mag! To view this in it's original format, as usual, just click on the tagg of this Dino-message. Dino-sharin', DMP

1,000 Jokes Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Winter 1954 Issue

The 1000 Jokes Magazines are a classic staple of American Pop Culture, featuring may different mediums of humor. Comics, pranks, etc.

This particular issue features a collection of comical pictures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis!

This magazine is in great condition and all of the pages are still intact!

$10.00 USD

Ships from United States

United States $5.00 USD
Everywhere Else $14.00 USD

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