Thursday, February 24, 2011

On This Day In Dino-history: our Dino and Cathy with the Candified K Divorced

Hey pallies,
likes on this 24th day of Dino-month we turn to clock back to the year 1976 to remember 'nother ultra important day in Dino-history. For on February 24, 1976 our Dino cut the strin's attached to him by Cathy with the candified K as his divorce from her was finalized. Thus ended the last of our great man's three marriages, and for the next almost twenty years our Dino lived and loved as a free man.

Many of us Dino-holics believe that Dino and marriage just didn't mix. Thinks our Dino-holic pallie Danny G. said it well in his recent Sunday Serenade with Dino post "I'm Not The Marrying Kind"......

"I think he should have stayed single! Why did he settle down? Obviously he loved his wife/wives, but c'mon pallies...Dean Martin....Marriage???!!! They just don't sound right together! I think he had so much amore to share that it was absolutely impossible for him to be tied down to one person. Now don't get me wrong, Dino's love songs are truly the most beautiful and romantic tunes that this Dino-holic has ever heard, but the "playboy" type songs are definately my fav's! Which leads me to my song choice for this "Sunday Serenade"..."I'm Not the Marrying Kind". To me, no other song represents the TRUE Dino as much as this cool cool number. He dosen't love one...he loves ALL!"

Keeps lovin' our Dino pallies, and likes make note of this important Dino-date. Gotta 'fess up likes it was the pallies at the Dean Martin Timeline (clicks on tag of this Dino-post to goes there) that helped remind me of this Dino-historical detail. Dino-loved, DMP

February 24, 1976 Catherine and Dean's divorce is final.


  1. Their divorce was finalized on my birthday? Now, there's some Dino information I didn't know -- even after nearly 45 years of my being a devoted Dino fan!

  2. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW it is on your birthday that our Dino became free forever from any tied knots...glad to helps you keeps your Dino-learnin a-go-go-goin'! Keeps lovin' our Dino....
