Friday, February 25, 2011


Hello again pals o' mine! As promised, I wanted to share one more quick Dino-experience with all my fellow Dino-holics.

Our third day in the "Sunshine State" was arranged to lead the Danny G. family to Universal Studios. Lots of fun! Big coasters! Crazy motion simulators! Super heroes everywhere!!!

Anyway, I'm walkin' down this street in the middle of an "Old Hollywood" type setting. There was the Classic Monster Cafe and a Motion Picture Studio tour. All kinds of great Hollywood themed attractions. So as I'm walkin', I look down and noticed that I'm strollin' on The Walk of Fame! Really cool! I just so happened to be standin' on "The Jer". Jerry Lewis.

Now c'mon pallies, if this isn't a sign of good things to come then I don't know what is! I thought to myself..."Self, wouldn't it be sooo totally cool if I could find "The Man"!!!

So I start walkin'...and walkin'. It wasn't more than 20 secs when I struck Dino-gold! DEAN MARTIN!!! I think Dino's spirit grabbed my hand...pulled me down the street...and slapped me on the back and said "Look down pallie, there I am"! Cool cool stuff. I snapped a shot to share with you pals & gals. Hope you get as much a thrill as I did.

Till next time friends...keep the vino and the Dino flowin'!!!

Danny G.

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