Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Hey pallies, likes here in the land of Dino, we are havin' mid-term elections and likes I thoughts to myself, likes what coulda I does to honor our Dino on this particular Dino-day. Wells pallies, you knows how our Dino was pretty much a-politico...with a couple of 'ceptions.....so certainly woulda not be doin' any endorcin' of any particular candidates.

But, likes I remembered that our beloved Dino did at one time play a role of a candidate for election. In 1961 in the outstandin' drama "Ada," our Dino played the role of good 'ol Southern guitar playin' boy Bo Gillas runnin' for governor of a state south of the Mason-Dixon line. It is so tragic that Ada has never ever been released on DVD (was it ever on VHS?).

But, likes through the magic of youtube, we dos have a stellar clip of our Dino on the campaignin' trail singin' "May The Lord Bless You Real Good" to a crowd of faithful supporters. Knows that I have posted this like several Dino-times before...but indeed, gotta 'fess up that I never tires of watchin' and listenin' to our Dino sing this great song...and dreamin' of what life woulda be like if our Dino was indeed a politico King....certainly woulda be the swingin'est Kingdom ever. Just thinks pallies, likes how cool the world woulda be if our Dino was King!

Well, anywho pallies, likes if you are residin' in Dino-land (USA), be sure to exercise your right to vote, and be sure to take a few to watch our great man singin' this great tune..."May The Lord Bless You Real Good. Never was, never will be anyone as cool as our King of Cool....oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth! Dino-devotedly, DMP


  1. I don`t know much about politics but this is a great movie.
    I have a poor quality copy and I hope someday it will come out on dvd.
    Dean proves again what a great dramatic actor he was.
    One of his best roles

  2. Hey pallie, Miss Ky, you ain't gonna gets any disagreement with my on your Dino-thoughts...our great man is such a great dramatic actor...simply the best! Thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter...

  3. I recorded this film ages ago on VHS, but then the tape wore out or broke or something. I don't have it any longer. **sigh**

  4. Hey pallie, Miss AOW, that is very sad indeed..any Dino-loss is very hard to take for true Dino-devotees likes us...so so hopin' that the way will become clear for this to get released on DVD as soon as Dino-possible...likes I have never ever been able to see this Dino-classic...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter...
