Monday, November 01, 2010

On This Day In Dino-history: October 30, 2006

Hey pallies, sorry to be late with this Dino-date, but then came after I had done my Dino-projects on Saturday, and likes didn't have an opp to post this yester-Dino-day seein' how it was Dino-ween and all, but likes did want to gets this up this Dino-day. From the pen of our faithful pallie Mark R. over at "popculturefanboy" comes this outstandin' news at it was likes four years ago on 30 October that EMI and the family Martin trust had a meetin' of the minds with the outstandin' Dino-result that EMI woulda have the priviledge of representin' our Dino, his name, his image, his likeness and all his historic recordin's on a global basis.

Likes of course, this is outstandin' news for all Dino-holics to know that the life and legacy of our King of Cool is gonna be shared to the Dino-fullest with each and every new Dino-generation. Likes ain't it the coolest pallies that Dino-history continues to be made years after our beloved Dino has departed the planet...GO DINO! To view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram to go to pallie Mark R.'s pad.

One of the fruits of the enhanced Dino-relationship between family Martin and EMI is the release in 2007 of that amazin' Dino-trib, "DEAN MARTIN:Forever Cool." For you Dino-pleasure, ilovedinomartin is includin' the cool promotional Dino-vid clip created to raise Dino-awareness of this glorious Dino-release...enjoys pallies! Dino-honorin', DMP

2006 - It is announced that EMI Music, which markets Dean Martin's recording catalogs, has struck a deal with the Dean Martin Trust to license his name, image and likeness and will continue to market Martin's Capitol Records and Reprise Records recording catalogs on a worldwide basis.

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