Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby"

Hey pallies, welcome to Sunday Serenade with Dino. Today's Dino-selection is that old standard "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby." Although from the lyrics we knows that our Dino was singin' 'bout some knock-out so much of this song woulda applies to our Dino...

Likes can't you just see our Master Dino goin' to kindergarten and drivin' all the 5 year old chicks absolutely wild! Likes can't you just see our great man winnin' blue ribbons and acceptin' in the coolest of cool Dino-style.

Tons of musical artists have sung this popular tune, but can't image anyone who did it with the class and polish of our usual he sings each and every syllable with that imitable Dino-stylin'!

And, likes when I compared the standard lyrics for this tune with the words our Dino sings...he makes ever so cool nuances here and there to sings this, as always,in his own gloriously beau-ti-fully Dino-way!

Indeed our Dino musta been the most beautiful baby 'cause baby likes looks at the amazin'ly beau-ti-ful life that he led! Dino-awed, DMP

You must have been a beautiful baby,
you must have been a wonderful child . . .
When you were only startin'
to go to kindergarten
I bet you drove the other boys wild!

An' when it came to winning blue ribbons,
I bet you showed the other kids how . . .
I can see the judge's eyes as they handed you the prize
I bet you made the cutest bow!

Oh!, You must have been a beautiful baby,
'cause baby look at you now . . .

You must have been a beautiful baby,
you must have been a wonderful child . . .
When you were only startin'
to go to kindergarten
I bet you drove the little boys wild!

An' when it came to winning blue ribbons,
I bet you showed the other kids how . . .
I can see the judge's eyes as they slapped you with a prize
I bet you made the cutest bow!

Oh!, You must have been a adoreable baby,
'cause baby look at you now . . .


  1. I love watching Dean sing this song, for me it was the highlight of The Frank, Dean and Judy concert.
    Dean really stood out in the great company of Judy and Frank

  2. Hey pallie, you and me both Miss Ky...I loves how our Dino sings this standard...and likes you answered my Dino-wonderin'...likes I thought just maybe this clip was from the Dino, Judy, and the frankie gatherin'...thanks so much for sharin' Ky....

  3. Dean looks so cool and relaxed when he sings this, its a good show, Dino is the real star tho

  4. Hey pallie, Deanager Levi thanks for droppin' some cool Dino-patter and likes I couldn't of said it better my self...our Dino is so cool and relaxed as he sings this...and likes, of course, our Dino is truly the star of the production....keeps lovin' our Dino....
