Monday, November 29, 2010

Dean Martin Painting

Hey pallies, likes it's gettin' time to thinks 'bout doin' some Dino-giftin' for all us pallies who will be honorin' our Dino on Dino-winter-day as we remember our Dino's departure from the planet 15 long Dino-years ago.

Today's Dino-post is a Dino-impression by some dude "brilliant" for sale at a pad tagged 'etsy." Loves how Dino-art is bein' created by more and more artists how digs puttin' the accent on our Dino.

Likes woulda loves it pallies who are readin' this if you woulda sends your Dino-suggestions for great Dino-treasures that likes you woulda loves to be gifted with or plan on sharin' with your Dino-holic pals. Just leave your Dino-thoughts in our Dino-comments section.

To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-sharin', DMP

Dean Martin Painting
From brilliant

Framed 8.5x11" painting of Dean Martin. Background is shown in green. If you prefer different colors, just send me a message with the colors you want when you purchase the listing. Ships from United States


  1. Cool paintin' pal. I found this book online that would definately make a great stockin' stuffer for one of us Dino-holics!
    It's called "The Last Good Time". It's about the famous 500 Club. All about Dino, the Jer, Frankie, Atlantic City, the Mob, etc. Sounds like a good read.
    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, Danny-o thanks dude for the Dino-patter and am likes gonna have to checks out that Dino-volume....all my best to my Dino-bro...and likes keeps lovin' our Dino...
