Saturday, November 06, 2010

Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Ain't That A Kick In The Head"

Hey pallies, due to circumstances beyond my control, I may very well not be computerin' tomorrow so this week's "Sunday Serenade With Dino" is comin' at you one day early. Likes gotta 'fess up that likes some weeks likes I just don't know which Dino-classic to feature here at the Dino-serenade.

But, likes this time it is likes such a no-brainer dudes! Likes you all knows that the Dino-universe is likes in a huge celebration of the Golden Anniversary of the Rat Pack...and the centerpiece of said celebrato is RP flick numero uno, "Oceans 11." And, likes this Tuesday, November 9 is the Dino-date of release for O11 in blue ray.

So...likes pallies, what other Dino-croon coulda pick for this Sunday's Dino-feature then our great man signin' the great song "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" in the great movie "Oceans 11"?!??!?!?!

Certainly our Dino is in all his magnificent glory in this outstandin' clip where our great man, on stage at the Sahara, brings all his classic charismatic charm to croonin' the tune. As our Dino sings "How lucky can one guy be"...likes you just knows that there never ever has been anyone as lucky as our Dino...but, certainly our Dino's fame and fortune is much more centered on his amazin' giftedness then simply luck.

It's not just our Dino's talented singin' voice, it's also 'bout the amazin' irrestible looks he gives as he sings...makin' you believe every single syllable that he croons...indeed his prediction that "my life is gonna be beau-ti-ful" is more then a phrase to a classic song of amore. No one, and likes I mean no one lives a more enchantin'ly 'beau-ti-ful' life then our Dino!!!!!

So pallies, sits back and enjoys our beloved Dino singin' his 'beau-ti-ful' version of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head" from the stellar pack of rats flick "Oceans 11."
Dino-beau-ti-fully, DMP


  1. I can never get enough of seeing this clip from Oceans 11
    Dean is at his coolest and looks great playing the piano.
    I`ll never understand why this song was not included on the album This Time I`m Swingin
    It was recorded in the same sessions

  2. Hey pallie, indeed Ky, likes I too never ever can gets 'nough of watchin' our Dino sing this amazin' tune of amore in O11...this certainly was part of the golden Dino-era...our great man is likes in the greatest of great cool...thanks for stoppin' by and sharin' your Dino-love...
