Saturday, November 06, 2010

06. Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis

Hey pallies, accordin' to a dude tagged Stuart Cummins at the "Obsessed With Film" pad there's a new comedy duo in the makin': "With the release of Due Date in cinemas this Friday (yester-Dino-day), the birth of a new comedy double act in Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis beckons." And with said debut, Mr. Cummins has posted his thoughts on 'The 10 Greatest Comedy Double Acts!.'"

Likes of course our Dino and the kid are among the top 10 with Cummins puttin' 'em at numero likes of course this Dino-holic woulda rated 'em as numero uno. Anywho, any as always, glad to see the name of our Dino lifted up and to have Stu's reflections helpin' to introduce others to our beloved Dino.

The thoughts shared by Mr. Cummins are pretty standard Dino-fare, but did note that accordin' to Stu, our Dino and the Jer's greatest moment is a scene of the jer boxin' in the flick "Sailor Beware." Any comments from all you dudes 'bout this? Just wonderin' what you would name as the greatest moment for our Dino and the kid?

Likes two thoughts pallies, one, if you wanna see this in it's original format, and to learn of the other nine comic double acts, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Two, ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to our Dino-holic pallie Danny G. for puttin' us on to this Dino and the kid patter...loves when others share their Dino-finds with the ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog. Dino-delightedly, DMP

06. Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis

The most successful comic duo of the 1950s had their fingers in many pies! As well as their making 17 films together, the pair also worked on radio, television and on stage at nightclubs. Originally hired by Hal Wallis as the comic relief in My Friend Irma (1949), the pair were signed to a lucrative contract with Paramount. Over the next 7 years, the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis churned out hit movie after hit movie.

Despite this commercial success, the duo’s partnership become increasingly sour, as Martin became disillusioned with playing the straight-laced character within their films. As the critics began to focus on Lewis as the real success within the act, arguments began to flare between the actors. Martin finally saw red in the late 50s and reportedly told Lewis that he meant little more than a dollar sign to him. With the release of Hollywood or Bust in 1956, the pair finally parted ways.

Both found individual success after the split and Martin finally achieved his time to shine, both as an actor and a singer, plus a member of Frank Sinatra’s Rat Pack. Lewis continued to use his comedic talent in such films as The Bellboy (1960) and The Nutty Professor (1963), but his popularity began to wane by the early 1970s. Leaving the past behind them, the pair managed to put aside their differences and privately reconcile during this decade. The public got a chance to see this reconciliation for themselves in 1976, when Martin featured as a surprise special guest on Lewis’s Labor Day Telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Greatest Moment?:

Lewis’s boxing match in Sailor Beware (1951)…


  1. Man, I gotta hand it to the kid, he knew how to make ya' laugh! They were truly a one of a kind duo. Did everyone notice a young James Dean in Killer Jackson's corner?

    Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, Danny-boy thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter dude...indeed our Dino and the kid are the greatest team of comedy ever...gotta sez that I did not notice that, so likes thanks for drawin' that to our attentionado....keeps lovin' our Dino man...
