Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Even though Fabian was popular, Dean shows the kid how its done."

Hey pallies, likes Thanksgivin' approacheth and likes with each passin' day I am more and more thankful for our Dino and for pallies who keeps spreadin' the Dino-word here on the 'net.

Today's Dino-gram originates at our pallie Mr. David Lobosco's pad "Great Entertainers Archives" and features a vid that likes I never ever knew even existed. It musta be from one of our Dino's early television specials 'cause it is in glorious black and white and features our great man and the teen idol Fabian doin' the tune "I Love The Love."

Likes gotta 'fess up likies I loves the banter back and forth between our great man and Fabian....likes our Dino doesn't want the kid touchin' any of the bevy of chicks and likes when Fab tries our Dino sez, Hold it, hold it, hold it...fold your arms...don't touch nothin'." It's a real scream pallies!

And that is just the beginnin' of the interaction between our Dino and this young teen loves that our Dino always puts his whole self into each and every song that he sings....makin' it much more of a Dino-experience then simply a singer croonin' a tune.

Watch our Dino makin' it with chicks while Fabian doesn't get a chance to gets anythin' under our Dino's ever watchful glance....

Thanks to our pallie David for puttin' this up at his pad (clicks on tagg of this here Dino-gram to likes goes there).....a real Dino-treat for sure and an outstandin' example of why pallies likes us are ever ever so so thankful for our DINO! Dino-delightedly, DMP


Here is a duet I never thought I would see. It is one of my favorite crooners Dean Martin swinging with 1960s pop idol Fabian. Even though Fabian was popular, Dean shows the kid how its done. This was taken from one of Dino's shows...

Posted by Lobosco at 6:12 PM

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