Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hey pallies, likes here is the land of our Dino, we are likes just a couple of days away from Thanksgiving and likes today I just gotta say that I am always and ever thankful for our Dino....no one can bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart likes our beloved Dino.

And likes, I am thankful for bloggers likes Kim Maki and her outstandin' blog "Retro: Kimmer" who help to keep the life and times of our Dino before their faithful readers. Today's Dino-post originated at Miss Maki's fun blog and puts the accent on our Dino's amazin' TV show. As Kim sez, "Oh how I loved the Dean Martin TV show! My Mom loved it too so we often watched it together. You never knew what might happen on Dean's show."

Certainly Miss Maki "gets Martin" and likes how cool that Kim and her mommy-o shared their common love of our great man by watchin' the Dino-show together. So loves to see Dino-passion spread from one generation to the next.

Anywho pallies, likes enjoys Miss Kim Maki's amore to our Dino includin' a trio of clips of great moments from the Dino-tube. And, likes I totally digs how Kim opines 'bouts her "gazillion of my favorite moments on Dean's Show!" Obviously Miss Maki likes all true Dino-holics likes can't ever gets 'nough of our amazin' King of Cool!

To view this in it's original format, as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-post. ilovedinomartin sez our grateful thanks to Miss Kim Maki 'specially in this season of givin' Dino-thanks for liftin' up the name of our Dino is such a stellar way and helpin' many pallies comes to know, love, and honor our beloved Dino! Dino-awed, DMP


Dean Martin laughing...

Oh how I loved the Dean Martin TV show! My Mom loved it too so we often watched it together. You never knew what might happen on Dean's show. We especially loved Dean with Bob Newhart!

Dean loved golf more than work so in Dean's daughter Deana's book she spoke of how her Dad didn't rehearse on his show. He would show up and just wing it! OMG was it funny. When Dean loved another funny performer is was absolutely real when Dean cracked up with laughter.

This video of Dean and Goldie Hawn in another of the gazillion of my favorite moments on Dean's Show!

Posted by RetroKimmer at 4:04 PM

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