Monday, October 25, 2010

On This Day In Dino-history: October 25, 1964

Hey pallies, likes I was likes checkin' out some Dino-'lerts from our pallies at google when likes I came 'cross this site that has a crazy mix of Dino-mentions all mashed together includin' some nods to this here ilovedinomartin............(

Well likes at this pad I saw a very very cool Dino-comic-like pix of our great man from a pad tagged This Day In Rock I typed in that addy and when I arrived at that site I searched for Dino-mentions...and likes Dino-magic happens 'cause likes our Dino lead me to the October 25 1964 post lettin' the world know that that was the very day that our Dino knocked the Beatles off the charts with his signature tune, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."

Now, likes I have been thinkin' every now and then a Dino-'lert oughta be poppin' up to likes reminds us of this illustrous day in all of Dino-history...but likes I hadn't thought of it in quite a likes I am so in awe of our Dino that he would lead a humble pallie of his like me through this Dino-process to gets me to the proper Dino-pad to reminds me of ultra cool day of Dino-celebration!

Thanks Dino for guidin' me in this Dino-search so that ilovedinomartin coulda honor you on this awesome day in your Dino-journey when your predition that you woulda knock the Beatles off the charts came so so Dino-true!

Likes pallies, every day is a Dino-honorin' day...but today is truly one of those golden days in all of Dino-time.....and likes I am includin' at the end a Dino-vid of our beloved Dino singin' his Beatle bustin' song on the Dino-show for all our viewin' Dino-pleasure.

To likes view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-post to goes to the This Day In Rock pad. Dino-psyched, DMP

Oct 25 1964 – Dean Martin goes to No. 1 with “Everybody Loves Somebody.”

1964 – Dean Martin goes to No. 1 with “Everybody Loves Somebody.” The Beatles are at No. 53 with “I Should Have Known Better

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