Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dino-ween E-cards

Hey pallies, likes our celebration of Dino-ween is just a few off and likes I was doin' some Dino-surfin' on the'net and found some way cool Dino ecards that pallies likes us can send to others to help 'em grow in their knowin', lovin', and honorin' of our Dino. Courtesy of a German Dino-pad tagged www.dean-martin.de, comes some way cool Dino-greetin's for Dino-ween.

Have shared a bunch of 'em below and there are even more, includin' some Rat Pack-ween, if you clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post to goes to the original site. How cool to have such Dino-ways of greetin' our pallies in the spirit of Dino-ween! Dino-weenin', DMP

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