Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hey pallies, likes Dino-holics such as you and I have often spoken of our Dino's admiration for Mr. Bing Crosby and how our Dino, to some extent, modeled his style after Bing. Well, today's Dino-gram comes from the blog "THE BING CROSBY VIDEO ARCHIVE," where blogger dude Lobosco speaks of our beloved Dino matchin' Bing's style.

Lobosco mentions a Dino-tune that perhaps you are acquainted with, "If I Could Sing Like Bing." Gotta 'fess up that I have never ever heard that one..any of you pallies able to share some Dino-patter on it? Best of all, this dude shares a Bing tune song by our Dino..."Pennies From Heaven."

Gotta 'fess up that I can't agree with Lobosco's thoughts..."No one can sing it like Bing, but Dean Martin comes close..."...'cause of course I believes that our Dino does that tune, and for that matter, every tune better then anybody else...includin' der Bing.

We sez our thanks to Lobosco's liftin' up the name of our Dino and sharin' a great Dino-vid of a stellar Dino-tune from the amazin' Dino-show! Enjoys pallies, and likes be sure to return on the Dino-morrow for a very very special edition of Sunday Serenade with Dino!!! Dino-focused, DMP

Thursday, September 16, 2010


One of the crooners that mostly closely matched Bing's style was the great Dean Martin. Dean even recorded a song called "If I Could Sing Like Bing". Here is old Dino singing the song that Bing introduced in 1936..."Pennies From Heaven". No one can sing it like Bing, but Dean Martin comes close...


  1. Well, Dino is my second favorite male singer, and I have nearly everything by him! IF I COULD SING LIKE BING is kind of a corny tune. I believe Dino recorded it in 1951.

    The lyrics go...If I could sing like Bing how happy I would be. Ba Ba boo...Ba Ba boo. It was no MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS...that is for sure!!!

  2. If I could sing like Bing is a nice little song but I think all of us Dino fans are happy Dino didn`t sing like Bing.
    Dean had his own unique voice and I`ve never heard a voice which can come close to matching Deans.
    I`ve heard Bing sing Pennies from Heaven.
    I have the movie somewhere.
    It`s good but Dean sings it so much better with his deeper rich soothing voice.
    Bing Crosby fans will always say Bing was the greatest, Frank`s fans will say he was the greatest.
    But for us Dino fans, it`s no contest.
    Dean recorded a lot of songs recorded by other singers and he made them his own.
    Gentle on my Mind is a great example of a Glen Campbell song.
    Honey, Dean sings it so much better than Bobby Goldsborro.
    Little Green Apples, My Woman, My Wife, the list is endless.
    The song If I could sing like Bing is featured on the Bear Family sets.
    Interestingly dad told me Bing recorded an LP I`ve never heard, as a tribute to other singers.
    Among the tributes he recorded Memories are Made of This and dedicated it to Dean.
    I heard he did a nice up tempo recording but only Dean can make a song extra special.

  3. Hey pallies, like thanks Lobosco for sharin' that info on der Bind tune by our Dino...likes dude if you han' 'round theses here Dino-parts long 'nough we surely will helps lead you to the Dino-truth that truly only one cooler then our King of Cool....will be sure to checks out your other blog for more Dino-devotion...

  4. Hey pallie, Ky your words are spoken like a true Dino-loyalist...true Dino-holics know that there never was, never will be anyone like our Dino...the most blessed and coolest entertainer to ever walk the face of the earth....truly only Dino matters....

  5. I remember having this on a 78 which is giving my age away.
    Not one of Dinos better songs, nice tribute to the old groaner with the bubba boos included

  6. Hey pallie, ha, ha Paul, I prefer to think of us as vintage Dino-devotees...havin' the privilege of groovin' on our beloved Dino for basically our whole lives...and the Dino-magic likes just gets better and better every single Dno-day....
