Friday, September 17, 2010

“Dean Martin . . . do you eat telephone poles?”

Hey pallies, today's Dino-gram has gotta be one of the most touchin' and most unusual Dino-posts ever at this humble little ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog. From the pen of blogger Miss Marie Alice Joan Rayner, at her blog "A Year From Oak Cottage," comes her poignant prose piece, "Family Ties That Bind Us."

As part of family rememberin' ruminations comes Miss Rayner's retellin' of her and her brother and sister and how "the three of us who endured hours in the back of a hot car playing “Dean Martin.” As you will read below, "Dean Martin" was a game they played with the head of a GI Joe doll.

I finds it likes so cool that this youngen's musta dug our Dino likes so much to create a "Dean Martin" game to wile away their time while drivin' with there parents.

So enjoys readin' these nostalgia notes of a kinder, gentler time where sisters and bro enjoy makin' our Dino the center of their play.

I have only selected to share the Dino-focused part of Miss Rayner's reflections. To checks out the whole post and goes to the "A Year From Oak Cottage" pad, as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram. Dino-enjoyin', DMP

Family Ties that Bind Us . . .

Marie Alice Joan Rayner

It was the three of us who endured hours in the back of a hot car playing “Dean Martin,” and countless other hours of family moments, moments shared together that nobody else on earth has shared with each other.

Who knows when we shall be all together again. There is something deep inside that tells me it won’t be until we lose one of our parents, and there is something else inside me that longs for our meeting to be sooner rather than later, and on a happy note rather than with the sharing of a loss. Life passes far too quickly, and before you know it we are old, and the moments we could have had are all gone, and it is too late. I sure wish I could have a few hours with them in the back of a hot car today. I’d tell them that I love them and hug them and treasure the moment for sure . . . Maybe we’d even play “Dean Martin.” “Dean Martin . . . do you eat telephone poles?” (Explanation on the Dean Martin Game. My brother had a GIJoe doll that was the size of a Ken doll. We would take the head off of it and put it on one of our fingers. The person wearing the head was Dean Martin and the others would ask it silly questions. The head person would make it nod or shake depending on whether the answer was yes or no. )


  1. Great blog pallie! I have featured Dino on my two blogs numerous times, especially on my Great Entertainers blog. Check it out and grab a drink and stay awhile!!!

  2. Hey pallie, thanks dude for droppin' some Dino-patter, will likes checks out your Dino-efforts when likes I get a few....

  3. We were great Dean Martin lovers in my home. Never missed his show and I have really fond memories of watching the old Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis films with my father. Oh my how we would laugh. There is nobody like Dean. He was priceless! Thanks for giving me a nod! xxoo

  4. Hey pallies, Marie thanks so much for stoppin' by...loves to hear that your fam loves our Dino...I just loved your little Dino-tale and just had to gets it posted here at the glad you likes that I made Dino-mention of you and your siblings....
