Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Serenade With Dino: "Red Sails In The Sunset"

Hey pallies, likes it's time for 'nother Sunday Serenade With Dino. Up today is a stunnin' version of the romantic classic "Red Sails In The Sunset." 'Nother of our Dino's couch songs from the Dino-show, it looks like at the time of filmin' our great man was probably in the midst of filmin' a western with that unshaved rugged Dino-look....and likes of course with his ever present cigarette in hand.

Always loves to watch our Dino's facial expressions 'cause they likes always adds so much to our beloved Dino's interpretation of each song he sings. Not as serious as last Sunday's "My Woman, My Woman, My Wife," "Sails" still is sung with a nod to the more serious side of our Dino. So, sits back and enjoys 'nother romantic standard from our man of amore...the one, the only, DINO!!!! Dino-ever, DMP


  1. I dig the songs where Dino was makin westerns, great clip, my fav is Houston

  2. Hey pallie, Levi man, thanks for some more Dino-patter...yeah there is somethin' so special 'bout the songs that Dino sin's while in the western mood...yup gotta agrees with you likes totally on "Houston"...the part with the harmonica is our Dino at his funniest....keeps those cards and letters and Dino-thoughts comin' my Dino-devoted pallie!

  3. I love those couch songs so much when we saw the serious side of Dean.
    My favourite is My Woman, My Wife, it gets to me everytime.
    Also loved the way he would mess the lines up and how he continued on with the song.
    Only Dean could get away with that and have us all smiling.
    Glad there were no re takes.
    For instance Dean sings I hear you whipser, I`ll always love you.
    he was so funny

  4. I also love Houston with the harmonica bit, the first time I saw that clip I really thought Dean was playing the harmonica till it started playing again while it was in his pocket.
    Loved the rugged western look

  5. Hey pallie, there is no one who coulda or woulda ever come close to our Dino...did you notice perhaps that the first "Sunday Serenade" was indeed "My Woman, My Woman, My Wife"...and just in your Dino-honor?

  6. Hey pallie, yup Miss Kylie, you and Levi and me all loves the Houston number and 'specially the whole harmonica bit...only Dino coulda makes it as cute as it is....'cause no one cuter then our King of Cool....
