Monday, July 19, 2010

and the Winner is our Dino singin' "Since I Met You, Baby"

Hey pallies, likes just to let's you know that the votin' has finished at "ibeatyou" for best Dino-entry, and likes I am so so proud to tells you all my Dino-holic pallies that this dude's Dino-entry, "Since I Met You, Baby" took first place hands down with 52 votes cast for it and with a rating of 4.7 outta a 5.0 scale.

The cool thin' is pallies that likes our Dino couldn't loose 'cause each and every entry was a Dino-vid...but gotta tell you likes I am as please as Dino-punch that our Dino's only MTV vid took top honors. Thanks to each and every pallie 'round these parts that helped to bring success to our Dino! With deep Dino-appreciatio, DMP btw, to checks this out at the original site, likes just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram.


  1. Yay !
    I love watching Dean sing anything and I have so many favourites but this is the video I loved most of all.
    I wish Dean had done a few more of these.

  2. Hey pallie, certainly gotta agree with you Miss Kylie...this is certainly my Dino-fav of Dino-favs...woulda been so so cool if our Dino had done some more swingin' MTV vids with his boypallie Ricci....
