Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Prattville Exclusive Interview with Deana Martin: Entertainer reminisces about her famous father

Hey pallies, today's Dino-reflection comes from the pages of the web mag "Our Prattville" based in Prattville, Alabama. Miss Melissa Parker, publisher, shares an "exclusive" interview with our Dino's girl-pallie Deana.

To read this interview you will likes needa to clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post 'cause the article is copyrighted and the mag has yet to grant ilovedinomartin the right to share it directly here. My request has been posted in the comment section, but there has been no reply.

Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin knows that this here Dino-blog has taken a firm stand 'gainst the dissin' of our Dino that Miss Deana has done in her Dino-bio, "Memories Are Made Of This." This Dino-gram is in no way an endorsement of Deana Martin, but shared simply 'cause it is of some depth and in the interest of any Dino-educational value it may have to those who loves our beloved Dino.

Thanks to Miss Melissa Parker for conductin' this convo with Miss Martin and for askin' some pretty straight forward and challengin' questions 'bout the life and times of our Dino. Woulda 'pprecate any Dino-reflections that you mighta wanna share after digestin' these Dino-words.

If and when "Our Prattville" grants ilovedinomartin permission to share directly here, be assured that the full content of this interview will be posted.

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