Monday, April 19, 2010

10,000 Activists Call for USPS to Honor Dean Martin with Postage Stamp; Effort Takes Novel Form, Via Page on Facebook Platform®

Hey pallies, likes from the annals of PRWeb comes this press release puttin' the accent on the Facebook effort by Dino-holic bros George and John Hlinko to gets our beloved Dino is very own Dino-stamp. This effort was first announced several weeks ago right here at ilovedinomartin (go to:

We salute the Hlinko brothers and over 10,000 Dino-devottes young, old, and in-between for boldly proclaimin' their Dino-devotion and makin' their Dino-desires known. Loves so much how Mr. George speaks of this stellar Dino-effort... "Dean Martin was a superstar of song, film, and television – a trifecta that few entertainers have achieved...."

Likes if you haven't joined this Facebook Dino-site, please do as soon as possible and show your Dino-appreciato in this Dino-way. In the words of the Hlinko bros, DO IT FOR DINO!

To read this in it's original format, just click on the tagg of this here Dino-gram. Dino-lobbyin', DMP

10,000 Activists Call for USPS to Honor Dean Martin with Postage Stamp; Effort Takes Novel Form, Via Page on Facebook Platform®

In just a few weeks since it launched, a groundbreaking new activist effort, launched via the Facebook platform, has already swelled to over 10,000 supporters calling for the US Postal Service to issue a stamp honoring Dean Martin. ( or Launched as a shoestring effort by two brothers, George Hlinko and John Hlinko, the effort has taken off like wildfire through “word of mouse” spreading. At this point, it appears to be the largest effort by far on Facebook in support of a new stamp.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) April 19, 2010 -- In just a few weeks since it launched, a groundbreaking new activist effort, launched via the Facebook platform, has already swelled to over 10,000 supporters calling for the US Postal Service to issue a stamp honoring Dean Martin. ( or

Launched as a shoestring effort by two brothers, George Hlinko and John Hlinko, the effort has taken off like wildfire through "word of mouse" spreading. At this point, it appears to be the largest effort by far on Facebook in support of a new stamp.

"Dean Martin was a superstar of song, film, and television – a trifecta that few entertainers have achieved," said George Hlinko, founder of the effort. "It’s high time that the US Postal Service honor this true American icon with his own postage stamp."

The Hlinko brothers launched the effort on February 21, 2010, via a single page on Facebook. It quickly took off, generating thousands of supporters within weeks, as well as a constant stream of fans posts praising Mr. Martin’s work, debating over favorite songs, and showing his genius through posted videos.

"I’ve been doing grassroots advocacy for years, and it’s hard to think of a person who’s generated anywhere near the enthusiasm of Dean Martin," said John Hlinko, a netroots activist since the mid 1990’s. "The only questions I have for the US Postal Service are, one, when are you going to do this, and two, will you be able to print them fast enough to keep up with the demand?"

The two have announced plans to ramp up the effort in coming weeks, including directing supporters to lobby directly the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, the entity responsible for reviewing requests for new stamps.

About The "Dean Martin Stamp" Leadership:
George Hlinko, who came up with the idea for the effort, is a longtime fan of classic movies and music, with a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of the subject that has earned him the nickname, "Rain Man" from family and friends. He has worked as a New York State Court Officer for years, and was specifically recognized for his work assisting with rescue efforts on 9/11.

John Hlinko is the head of Hlinko Consulting, a grassroots communications firm in Washington, DC. A long-time grassroots/netroots activist and innovator, Hlinko was named one of the top 5 PR professionals of the year by "PR Week," and also One of world’s top 25, "individuals, organizations and companies that are having the greatest impact on the way the Internet is changing politics," by the World Forum on e-Democracy.

George is an ardent Republican and John is an ardent Democrat. In addition to their Grandma Parrilli’s unmatched tomato sauce, Dean Martin is about the only thing they can agree on.

(Disclaimer: While this effort is taking advantage of the Facebook Platform®, it is in no way officially connected with or endorsed by Facebook. Further, it solely a fan-driven effort, and is in no way connected with Mr. Martin’s family, record company, or other professional affiliation)


  1. Wow! Would I ever love to see the USPS design a Dino stamp! I'd stock up on 'em.

  2. Hey pallie, you gots it ma'am....'cause they woulda only be out for a short time I also woulda wanna gets a life-time supply...that liberty bell stamp is called the forever stamp...buts likes you know the Dino-stamp would be the truly FOREVER stamp...'cause DINO IS FOREVER!

  3. the Dino-stamp would be the truly FOREVER stamp...'cause DINO IS FOREVER!

    Cleverly said.

    I agree.

  4. Hey pallie, thanks so much for your appreciato Miss AOW, but gotta 'fess up that the thought is truly Dino-inspired....our Dino is just so good to his pallies to lead and guide 'em in speakin' the Dino-truth...pure and simply DINO!
