Monday, February 08, 2010

"I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry"

Hey pallies, today's Dino-post is a profound Dino-demonstration that Dino-love flows all over the web these here Dino-days. This amazin' Dino-trib was created by a chick who tagged herself LadyKnight72 and features the hauntin' Dino-song, "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry." LadyKnight72 is a sweet Dino-lovin' lady named Paula who calls Antwerp, Belgium her home pad.

Miss Paula has shared countless Dino-clips via youtube that has, I am sure, drawn many many pallies from all over the globe to deeper and purer Dino-devotion...knowin', lovin' and honorin' our Dino. This particular Dino-trib alone has garnered 181 comments and 253 individual ratin's.

In speakin' of why she was compelled to share this Dino-vid with all the world, Miss Paula sez:

"When I heard Dean sing this incredible lovely song with so much passion and warmth, it touched me deep in my soul and I couldn't help but cry.

I just had to make a video to it.

I hope you like it.
Thanks for watching!"

ilovedinomartin wants to thank Miss Paula for her incredible Dino-passion that has drawn countless pallies to a deeper Dino-devotion....helpin' pallies to grow and glow in their Dino-amorin'. To see this Dino-trib in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram.

And, I also wanna say my Dino-thanks to our pallie Always On Watch who put me on to this great Dino-clip through some Dino-patter that she shared on Saturday. With pallies likes AOW and LadyKnight72 the web is buzzin' with Dino-amorin' 24/7 and Dino-pleasure is ours to be had for-Dino-ever!!!! In this month of Dino-amorin' it is so refreshin' to find pallies here, there, and everwhere so full of true Dino-palliedom and pure Dino-devotion!!! Dino-thrilled, DMP


  1. Hmm, and i tough i would be the first one to post this song on youtube : p
    Great post, DMP : )

  2. Wahta a wonderful tune, pal. Dean Martin sings that with so much sadness. Great.

  3. Hey pallie, likes I was wonderin' if you knew 'bout LadyKnight72's Dinotrib to this Dino-tune....but our Dino is so so great that there can never ever be 'nough tribs to our great lookin' forward to your Dino-creativity with this stellar Dino-song as well...

  4. Hey pallie, dude likes so glad to hear from my Dinobro...yeah, ain't this just such a great song from our Dino....our great man has such deep and wonderful emotion as he sings this....thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter pallie o'mine...

  5. Make me lonesome for our Dino.

  6. Yeah, i know her but i didn't know about this particular video though : p But more Dino is always good!

  7. I really liked this video. I had never hear anyone sing this other than Hank Williams, the legendary country singer, and had always liked it. But hearing Dino pour his heart and soul into this tune with such poignant emotion, was totally amazing. I have to say that the video clips that LadyKnight72 attached to the song were right on the mark. It is great to see Dean in some of his many roles, as I not only liked him in his Matt Helm films, which as you know are my favorite, but also in any genre he appeared in--"The Sons of Katie Elder" being at the top of my list of the westerns he appeared in. His performance as Tom Elder made that movie great. I have always seen that as an A+ movie in my book, and without him in it, the film would suffer. I'll be looking forward to some more great posts. Between your blog and that of Maria Jensen, the internet is Dino heaven!

  8. Hey pallie, Sannie, so good to hear from you again...been missin' you my friend, and yeah, this moody Dino-song does makes me yearn so much for our Dino and the comfort that he brings...

  9. Hey pallie, and likes Dino-girl reminds me that true Dino-holics thinks in the same Dino-ways....and of course, the more Dino the better...ALWAYS!

  10. Hey pallie, thanks for you most kind Dino-words man...yeah, doesn't our Maria do a stellar job of spreadin' her Dino-love...and indeed this is one amazin' so Dino-deep and so so full of Dino-passion...thanks for lovin' our Dino...

  11. Hi DMP: I am here every day. But mostly all I can find to say is "Ahhhhhhhh." So I refrain from cluttering up your postings!:)

  12. Hey pallie, Miss Sannie, actually any Dino-patter you share is of great Dino-encouragement to me...with out the comments....never sure that anybody is out ahhhh away!
