Sunday, February 07, 2010

Dino-amorin' "Murders' Row" Dino-style

Hey pallies, Dino-devotion continues to flow from our pallie George Solana over at "Cinema Vortex' as he turns his Dino-attentionato to our Dino in my fav of favs Matt Helm caper, "Murders' Row." These Dino-caps courtesy of Solona shows how lovin' our great man is in this hipster spyster Dino-caper. In my humble Dino-thoughts our Dino and Miss Ann-Margret makes the most lovin' of screen couples.

To view this in it's original context, just click on the title of today's Dino-gram. Thanks to Mr. Solana for makin' good on his Dino-promise to keep doin' his part to spread the Dino-message. On this seventh day of Dino-amore-month keeps enjoyin' much Dino-pleasure as we continue to put the accent on amore....Dino-style!
Dino-salutin', DMP

Friday, February 5, 2010
Matt Helm

Murderers' Row (1966)
Directed by Henry Levin
Screenplay by Herbert Baker
Starring Dean Martin as Matt Helm
Karl Malden
James Gregory
Camilla Sparv
Beverly Adams
and Dino, Desi & Billy
Posted by Drake at 7:27 PM
Labels: Dean Martin, Matt Helm, Spy movies


  1. Ann Margret is soooo cool in this Matt Helm movie! And you can see that both Dino and Ann Margret had a great connection!

  2. Hey pallie, yup, our Dino and Miss Ann-Margret certainly heat up the of the majour reasons that "Murders' Row" is def my fav of the Matt Helm quartet...
