Monday, February 01, 2010

Cushy job there, Dean.

Hey pallies, likes welcome to the start of Dino-amore-month here at ilovedinomartin. When the Dino-calendar turns to Febuary, all true Dino-philes knows it is time to start celebratin' the month of Amore....Dino-style! Those in the know, know that what the world tagged Valentine's Day is truly Dino-amore-day 'cause no one ever was our ever will be more amore then our Dino.

Today's Dino-discovery is a very lovin' way of startin' the Dino-amorin' Dino-season off to a bang! From the blogg pad "Strider’s Journal" comes this pix of the al-b-um cover from "The Silencers' where our Dino as Matt Helm is makin' it with all those chicks on his hot round bed.

I likes agrees with some of Strider's patter, and disagrees with other of his Dino-comments. I agrees with the thoughts "Cushy job there, Dean." What red blooded male woulda wanna be surrounded with all those lovelies?!??!?! But when this dude observes...."I can’t see Matt Helm’s agency remaining secret if he continues to chase women."....just can't sees it that Dino-way. Our Dino never needs to pursue the babes, they comes after him. What chick if her right mind woulda wanna haves our Dino as her man?!??!?!

And, for your Dino-viewin' Dino-pleasure I have included the Dino-vid of the last installment of "The Silencers." In this vid, we not only gets to see our Dino and Miss Stella makin' it on the round bed and fallin' into the also includes the famous trailer advertin' for Helm caper numero duo, "Murders' Row" where the al-b-um pix comes to life with all our Dino amorin' all those chicks as the Dino-bed turns 'round and 'round.

As usual, to view the source of today's Dino-gram in it's original format, just click on the title of this Dino-message. Lookin' so forward to sharin' so much Dino-amorin' with you all this Dino-amore-month long! Dino-lovin', DMP

Cushy job there, Dean.

Dino Paul Crocetti, known as Dean Martin (1917-1995), played secret agent Matt Helm in the 1966 movie The Silencers.

I can’t see Matt Helm’s agency remaining secret if he continues to chase women.


  1. Hey, i couldn't see that video due to some blocking! But is that the last 10 - 9 minutes? If it is, then i love those last scenes :D My fav is the pool scene!
    Great post, as usual : )

    By the way today, and the rest of this week i will be posting some Dino stories that you might find interesting : ) Take a look when you got time : )


  2. That pallie doesn't get it. The cover IS Dino chasing dames! Who would think ole Dino is a spy with all those chicks around him? No one! thats the rub!

    What a Charlie!!


  3. Hey pallie, yup Dino-girl that's the Dino-seg....yeah our Dino takin' the plunge while romancin' Miss Stella is just so cool....

  4. Hey pallie, likes d'ya think that our Dino is chasin' the dames...I thoughts the dames were chasin' him...either way it truly is the perfect Dino-cover....
