Sunday, January 31, 2010

Your Mental Sorbet: Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin reunion

Hey pallies, on this last day of January, as we anticipate the beginnin' of Dino-amore-month tomorrow right here at ilovedinomartin, we share a Dino-vid posted at the groovy blog "Child Of Television." Shared by blogger Tony Figueroa, this "Mental Sorbet" features our Dino and the jer makin' up durin' the jer's MDA telethon back, as I recall, in the Dino-year of 1976. In this case I have a hunch that any "sorbet" comsumed by our Dino woulda had to been flavored with a bit of J&B!

And, as Tony sez, anythin' that includes our Dino certainly does takes out any "bad taste in our mouths." Loves to see how amorin' our Dino and the jer are in this piece of priceless Dino-history recorded for Dino-posterity! To checks this out in it's original blog format, just clicks on the title of this Dino-gram. Dino-only, DMP

Friday, January 29, 2010

Your Mental Sorbet: Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin reunion

Here is another "Mental Sorbet" that we could use to momentarily forget about those things that leave a bad taste in our mouths.

Now that the dust appears to be settling from our latest late night talk show war and in the interest of not being cynical he is a famous show-biz reconciliation.

Stat Tuned

Tony Figueroa


  1. A great post and a great video. I actually saw this when it actually occurred all of those years ago. I remember everyone in my family who was watching at the time just couldn't believe it. It was a great moment in television history and quite possibly the most memorable moment to ever happen on Lewis' Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. Keep up the great work. You have one heck of a great blog.

  2. One of my favorite tv moments of all time :D!

  3. Hey pallie, I thinks it was the most important moment in live televison history...the reunitin' of the greatest comedy team in the history of the world...and what amazin' affection our Dino and the kid show as they embrace after a 20year separation...thanks for showin' true Dinopalliedom with you kind Dino-thoughts...all the honor goes to our Dino....the only reason for bein' ilovedinomartin...

  4. Hey pallie, Dino-girl I knows this is my most fav of Dino-moments in live little screen history...

  5. According to Jerry Lewis in the book he wrote about the best showbiz partnership of all time, this moment of reunion was a very special one.

    Sadly, the reunion lasted only a moment.

    But I do recall the moment well. I was watching the telethon live and nearly fainted when Dean stepped onto the stage.

    Thanks for posting this wonderful moment and wonderful memory.

  6. Hey pallie, thanks for your kind words AOW....and I know when our Dino's beloved boypallie Dino Jr. crashed, the jer was extremely supportive through telephone calls and that drew them a bit closer again....
