Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Something Big Is A Swinging Western"

Hey pallies, yesterday we looked a little bit at one of our Dino's lesser known western capers, "Showdown." That got me to rememberin' 'nother Dino-western that was done shortly before "Showdown." "Something Big" was released in 1971 and starred our Dino 'long with Mr. Brian Keith and a group of lovelies.

Billed as a "swinging western," it woulda 'ppear that "Something Big" was our great man's hippest entry into the shootem up genre. Although I unfortunately have never seen the film (never released on VHS or DVD that I can find), I do so well remember the newspaper adverts for this film and they did so well in playin' up the swingin' Dino-persona...lettin' the public know this was not your typical western.

Sorry that I couldn't find much to share besides a couple of the original movie posters and a youtube vid of the title tune. Truly does wonder why they had Mr. Burt Bacharach singin' the tune when they coulda used our incomparable Dino...perhaps it musta been 'cause Bacharach wrote the song.

Any of you pallies seen "Something Big" and coulda share some interestin' Dino-details? Dino-forever, DMP


  1. I'd like to hear Rio Bravo now...

  2. Hey pallie, man thanks for droppin' by our little ol' ilovedinomartin Dino-blog...so are you askin' me to do a post on Rio Bravo...or d'ya wanna hear the theme from that stellar Dino-flick?

  3. And this one too... this is going to be a great weekend!

  4. Hey pallie, gotta lets me knows all 'bout this swingin' Dino-flick after you watches it...

  5. Hey pallie, well Dino-girl I will be waitin' eagerly for your Dino-review....
