Monday, January 11, 2010

Showdown (1973)

Hey pallies, how y'doin' partners? Well today's Dino-piece is 'bout our Dino's last foray into the western genre...."Showdown" featurin' our Dino with Mr. Rock Hudson. Posted this mostly 'cause I loves the poster so much....and there is an interestin' Dino-detail 'bout the relationship between our great man and the Rock while they were filmin' together.

Sad to say, this is one of our Dino's flicks that I have yet to view. Did find a little promo trailer on youtube to shares with all you pallies as well.

Thanks to the blog Movie MegaStore for sharin' this with us. If you clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram you can go there and download the flick for your viewin' Dino-pleasure...

And, if you click on this,, you'll find a past Dino-post that features an amazin' review of "Showdown" by our pallie Jeremy at his stellar blog "Moon In The Gutter."

By searchin' did discover that amazon has copies of the vid of "Showdown" for sale, and ebay has copies of the featured "Showdown' poster for sale as well. Dino-thralled, DMP

Showdown (1973)

Showdown is another version of the two buddies who take different turns in the road of life. It borrows elements from George Marshall’s supremely enjoyable Texas which starred two very young players named Glenn Ford and Bill Holden.

The buddies here are Dean Martin and Rock Hudson. They’re a little older than Bill and Glenn were. Rock Hudson is now a solid respectable citizen ranch owner, married to Susan Clark, and who also happens to be the sheriff.

Dino cleared out from the ranch they had and has been gone for two years so he doesn’t know that Hudson is the new sheriff. Maybe he wouldn’t have decided to rob that train with some very serious outlaw types. Unfortunately Dino was recognized and Hudson has to bring him in.

This turned out to be the last western film for both Dean Martin and Rock Hudson. Martin, starting with Rio Bravo in 1959, did a whole string of westerns of varying quality. But making them is hard work, a fact Dean discovered one day out in the desert heat making these films. The rest of his movies were done in modern dress.
Also for some reason two of the most agreeable stars to work with as attested to by numerous co-stars of both did not get along during the making of Showdown.


  1. Me's thinks the two didn't get along on account of the Dino-mysique.

    Wonderful trailer!


  2. Hi, pallie!

    I watched that movie short time ago. It isn't too bad. I really like its beginning and the atypical score. And above all seeing our Dino sayin' some of his quotes 'bout women and alcohol... ;-)

    I hope you're having a beautiful week. Cheers!

  3. Hi Pallie DMP,

    That is a really cool poster of Dean Martin.

    BC Teoh

  4. Hey pallie, Mr. Ed might I ask you to say more 'bout your me's thinks Dino-notion?

  5. Hey pallie, gotcha dude, ain't it great to hear our Dino's teachin's in so many different Dino-places?!???! Hope you a Dino-derful week yourself Mr. Kinezoe...

  6. Hey pallie, yeah I loves this Dino-poster so so very best Dino-grards to you as well Mr. BC

  7. I think Rocko was one of those Hollywood types that found ole Dino "unprofessional". Perhaps the natural talent and the ease of doing things the Dino-way was offensive to those who took the whole acting thing much more serious than Dino.

    If you think about it, how many people had strained relationships with Dino? I'm sure, based on character witnesses, that Dino gets the benefit of the doubt with respect to Rocko.


  8. I can´t wait to see this movie this week! :D

  9. Hey pallie, likes thanks for spreadin' more light on your Dino-thoughts....

  10. Hey pallie, Dino-girl you gots to let me knows all 'bout this Dino-caper as well....
