Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who Sings Chrysler 300c Ad With Dean Martin?

Hey pallies, the web is so full of stellar Dinoinoformation. From the blogg "Sam Longoria Filmmaking Blog" (clicks on tagg of this Dinopost to goes there) comes this interestin' Dinoinformation of the remix of our Dino and Miss Julie bein' used on the current Chrysler 300c commerical.

I've included the vid of the commerical here as well as the blogg entry mentioned by Mr. Longoria by Mr. Matt Haines who did the remix. Ain't it great how the Dinolegacy keeps on glowin' and growin'...bringin' more and more pallies to Dinoknowledge, Dinopassion, and Dinodevotion as well! Dinosharin', DMP

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Who Sings Chrysler 300c Ad With Dean Martin?

It nagged me all night, so I looked it up. It's definitely Dino. Nobody else sounds that smooooth. Dean Martin's voice oddly mixes with the husky voice of...lovely Julie London.
Mix done by Matt Haines, wonderful photographer.

Matt grouses he was only paid a flat fee long ago, but hey Matt your work is in a national ad.

I do agree though - getting paid would be better! You can read about it here. Listen to the mixed song.

And here is Dean Martin & Julie London's album.
Chrysler 300, Dean Martin and I

Author: matt September 28, 2009 Category: chatterbox
Well this is non-photo-related and a bit weird and disturbing.

Back in 1999, when I was a musician making electronic dance music under the name The Rip Off Artist (among other names), I had a little track released that, while never a ‘hit’, got used on a few movie soundtracks and such. It was a remix of an old lounge tune called “Sway”. I took versions by Dean Martin and Julie London and did a mash up of the two (before “mash up” was even a term), and it was released on a compilation of lounge remixes called Electro Lounge.

So tonight my wife turned off the TV. As she did, I heard this little snippet of music…and yelled “wait!!!!” I turned the TV back on, and there’s my friggin’ remix, being used for the current Chrysler 300 commercial.

Sigh. And it was a flat fee buyout. I made my money back in 1999, and it has continued to make Universal money ever since. It’s weird being dragged back into my ‘other life’, even for a brief moment.


  1. Great info!

    I've been hearing that ad on TV. I knew, of course, that our Dino was singing!

  2. Strange, DMP. I came to your blog after your comment on mine. This happened when I read a newspaper advertisement today (23.10.09) where they show Elvis Presley, with pictures advertising a watch, first time ever. And you are writing about the same topic.

    I guess 60s music greats like Dino and Elvis will really live forever. Hey, Dino was Elvis' idol, remember? These are the dreams you will savour. Shiok man!!!

  3. Hey pallie, yeah, loved findin' this Dinostuff...glads to see our Dino bein' broadcast for more and more dudes to say "who is that singin'?" and then come to know, love, and honor our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes thanks for sharin' 'bout the watch with Elvis....I know they had made Dinowatches before, but so far I don't have one...yeah Elvis was huge on our Dino...if fact Mr. Presley was he first to tagg our Dino as the King of Cool...Elvis said somethin' like I may be the King of Rock and Roll..but you are the King of Cool...saw you did a Dinopost at your cool blogg...will be over in a few to leaves some patter...keep Dinodreamin'!
