Thursday, October 22, 2009

En homenaje a Dean Martin

Hey pallies, loves discoverin' more and more pallies all over the Dinoglobe who are diggin' our Dino. Here's 'nother dude tagged Kinezoe from Spain who has posted in homage of our Dino at his cool blogg "Noto Do Es Kippel" (clicks on tagg of this Dinogram to goes there). Have been tryin' to gets this translated into English 'cause I no speak espanol. But whether I can read the words, I know it is full of Dinodevotion! Loves the Dinopix that this Kinezoe dude has chosen to post, and likes it you goes to his site you can listen to a Dinoclassic, "Gentle On My Mind." Loves it pallies, loves it! Dinoawed, DMP

jueves 22 de octubre de 2009
En homenaje a Dean Martin
El amigo Francisco Machuca, desde El Tiempo Ganado (uno de los mejores blogs que haya podido leer desde que ando por la Blogosfera), nos regala, con su post más reciente (que no el último), un espléndido texto sobre la carismática figura de Dean Martin.

Te felicito por la entrada, Francisco. De una forma soberbia, como es habitual en ti, lograste poner en maravilloso negro sobre blanco exactamente la imagen y el concepto que siempre tuve del gran Dino. Muchas gracias por la dedicatoria, amigo. Un fuerte abrazo.

Me quedo con esta frase: "Jamás discutió. Si algo no le gustaba, contaba un chiste y se iba." Así era Dean Martin. Gracias nuevamente.

No dejen de visitar su blog, siempre hay interesantes contenidos de los que aprender.


  1. Yes my pally, you read it. I love Dean Martin. In my opinion the best singer, actor and showman who ever lived. I can't imagine anyone even half the talent, elegance and sympathy Dean Martin had. Thank you very much for the link. Very interesting blog yours. Cool as Dino :-)

    Have a good week! Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie, couldn't agree with you one greater then our Dino....hopes you will continue to share your Dinopassion at your cool blogg and hopes you will stop by often to enjoy the Dinopleasures of ilovedinomartin...btw, I've been doin' some Dinointerviews with others who are Dinodevoted...woulda you be interested in bein' interviewed 'bout your Dinopassion?

  3. I love Dino and his music, but I think I'm not qualified enough to talk about him in a Dinointerview, anyway, I'll have it in mind for the future. Thank you, my friend. Got your link! ;-)

  4. Hey pallie, thanks for the Dinopatter.....totally Dinodelighted to be able to share your Dinodevotion with others....we refers to it as true Dinopalliedom!

    Only qualification to be Dinointerviewed is your true Dinopassion which I am sure that you have man....mostly quiries likes how you came to first know 'bout Dino and how our Dino has drawn you into true Dinodevotion...will be most Dinodelighted to do an interview when you would like to....keep Dinofocused ol' pallie of mine!

  5. Hey, DMP how is my interview going :P?

    by the way, i think u should post a little info interview about your self by the way!!

  6. Hey pallie, gots to go back and pull ups all the Q&A that we have already done and its it into shape to be published...what date in November is your big 18? Once I find all your answers, will see if there are other Dinoquires that I might pose to ya....

    Likes our Dino, I keeps myself a man of mystery...our Dino was the model of detachement...I tries my Dinobest to does the same!

  7. Oh it's soon :D
    November 29th ; )

    Haha, by the way i wanted to share this with you! Tomming i am going to do an interview for a newspaper about my blogg and Dinopassion : )

  8. Hey pallie, you simply must share every Dinodetail 'bout your interview...and of course post the newpaper article once it's published...with the hope that you will translate it for all us pallies that don't read your native cool is that...that you are goin' to spread your Dinopassion in that way....
