Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Dino's boypallie Dino Jr. in "Players"

Hey pallies, while searchin' youtube yesterDinoday for that stellar Dinoclip from the Dinoshow of our Dino and his beloved boypallie Dino Jr. goofin' 'round, our Dino was so good as to direct me to this cool clip of Dino Jr. and Miss Ali McGraw in the flick "Players."

For so so Dinolong I have so Dinodesired to see Dino Jr. in this pix, but the flick was only released in VHS, and copies are hard to find. I have wanted to see how Dino Jr. does in a romantic just as I viewin' this clip you can see that our Dino's boypallie was destined to takes after his daddy-o in the amore department....makin' it even more tragic that Dino Jr. lost his life in that plane crash....just knows he wouldn't taken his daddy-o spot as heir apparent to the King of Cool....

So enjoys this hot clip of how hot Dino Jr. is playin' 'round with Miss Ali. Dinodelightedly, DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. Wow. Cool clip. I've never seen that clip or the movie before. I've only seen pictures from it. Thanks for sharing this with us. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, so dude likes do you agree that Dino Jr. is hot in the amore department likes his Dino daddy-o?
