Monday, June 22, 2009

Dino by artiste Tiramy9 (Allemagne)

Hey pallies, likes if memory serves me, the French are known for their impressionistic paintin's....and here is 'other groovy Dinoimpression by a French artiste that tagges themself as Tiramy9 from Allemagne.

Loves this Frenchie's impression of that cool pix of our Dino lookin' so lovin'ly at this smoke....

As we continue to put the accent on Dinoart from 'round the globe, this Dinopix is again from the cool Star Portraits site and you can clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see this in it's original place.

Again, I stand in awe of artiste from 'round the world who are usin' their amazin' talents to show their Dinopassion and honor our Dino in this way. Dinosharin', DMP


  1. Hey pallie DMP. I continue to be amazed by all the wonderful and cool artistic renditions of our Dino from around the world.

  2. Hey pallie Keith, gotta agree with ya so stellar to see so many artistes usin' their talents to spread the Dinomessage of cool...
