Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Dino and Mr. Jerry Vale

Hey pallies, one of the totally amazin' thin's 'bout the internet is makin' connections with all kinds of facinatin' people from all walks of life and all sorts of places.

Recently I have had the privilege to be in correspondance with Mr. Rob Vale (click on the tagg of this Dinogram to see Mr. Vale's blogger profile). Mr. Vale is involved in many aspects of show business and other business pursuits. He has been so kind as to dialogue with me about some of the aspects of his work includin' havin' been a producer on the proposed Dinobio Dinoflick by Martin Scorsese based on Tosches' stellar Dinotomb. Mr. Vale also just happens to be the son of singer Jerry Vale.

Here is a pix of our Dino and Jerry Vale that Mr. Vale has graciously sent my way and given me permission to post at this blog. enjoy pallies, and thanks Mr. Rob Vale.
Dinosharin', DMP

Photographed by Robert Vale for (C) 2009 Robert Vale Intellectual Property (Trust), Anstalt - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


  1. Hey pallie DMP. That's so cool. I'm a big fan of Jerry Vale. I've got a couple of his CDs. Cheers!

  2. Hey pallie Keith, yeah, it has been really nice of Mr. Rob Vale to dialogue with me 'bout the nature of his work in show business...thanks for stoppin' by...

  3. I'd like to know, how to get Mr Jerry Vale's autographed photo.
    I am from Finland and a fan of his, among other great vocalist.

  4. Hey pallie Yari47, thanks for droppin' by the ilovedinomartin Dinoblog....sorry I can't be of any help with your request....
