Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Dino and Lonesome George

Hey pallies, as this "Chexydecimal" blogger tells us today is Mr. Georgie's birthday and to honor him he shares that amazin' clip of our Dino and Bob and Mr. Gobel on the Johnny Carson Show. I loves this clip so much 'cause our Dino as ever steals the laughs....'specially with the Dinoclassic Dinomoment when he flicks some ash in Georgie's cup. Enjoys the Dinodifference pallies and to checks this out in it's original format, as ever, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinoawed, DMP

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Lonesome George

Comedian George Gobel would have been 90 today, he died in 1991. Here's the classic clip of Gobel on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Bob Hope and Dean Martin -- with one of the all-time classic lines by Gobel.

Posted by Chexy at 12:16 AM
Labels: gone, hope, legends, remembering


  1. Thanks for the love.


  2. Hey pallie DMP. Great clip. I always liked George. I raise a toast to him on this day. Cheers!

  3. Hey pallie Chexy, always glads to shows some love to others who shows some love to our Dino...thanks for liftin' up the name of Dino at your blogg...

  4. Hey pallie Keith, nice to raise a toast to Georgie, ever nicer is to toast our Dino....thanks for the Dinopatter....
